Page 15 - AGM Booklet 2024
P. 15

10.3    Clubs shall have the trophy engraved with their name and season of winning before returning to the General
                         Secretary by 31  December each year.
                   10.4    Clubs may purchase extra mementoes at the discretion of the Management Committee. Extra mementoes will not
                         be ordered until the Order Form and Payment has been received.

               Any outstanding invoices to the league must be paid in full before any team will be permitted
               to participate.

               For  the  season  2024-25  the  fine  matrix  below  will be  upheld  as  stated,  the  league  for the
               forthcoming season will not be awarding any league matches except for the purposes of proven
               misconduct cases, as per FA Rule 20 (E) (i)

               Only cup matches in accordance with Cup Match Rule 6.3 may be awarded where teams could
               be removed from the competition.

                       Instance            Notice Received          Admin   Fine      Points
                        First   28 days or more prior to the fixture date   Fee   £5   Deducted
                               14-27 days                            £5     £10       None
                               7-13 days                             £5     £15       None
                               3-6 days                              £5     £20       None
                               Less than 48 hours before kick-off    £5     £25        1
                       Second   28 days or more                      £5     £15        1
                               14-27 days                            £5     £20        1
                               7-13 days                             £5     £25        1
                               3-6 days                              £5     £30        1
                               Less than 48 hours before kick-off    £5     £35        2
                        Third   28 days or more                      £5     £20        2
                               14-27 days                            £5     £25        2
                               7-13 days                             £5     £30        2
                               3-6 days                              £5     £35        2
                               Less than 48 hours before kick-off    £5     £40        3
                       Further   28 days or more                     £5     £25        3
                               14-27 days                            £5     £30        3
                               7-13 days                             £5     £35        3
                               3-6 days                              £5     £40        3
                               Less than 48 hours before kick-off    £5     £45        3

               Any teams failing to fulfil their full seasons fixture schedule, could receive the maximum fine as
               per FA Rule 20 (E) (i) & (iii)

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