Page 26 - Pickleball Matters_Summer_2019_Final_singles_linked_Float
P. 26

C                                                       The high-scoring team from Canada, Deb Fraser
            an-am Recap
                                                                and Bill Deffett, were awarded the “Toonie
        The Second Canadian/                                    Trophy”. The high-scoring team from the USA,
        American Pickleball                                     Spike Christensen and Larry Graff, were awarded
        Challenge was held on                                   the “Big Ticket” trophy. Plans are being made for
        Sunday, March 31st                                      Can-Am 3 for the Fall!
        2019 at the Sundance
        courts. Team America                                    Phil Whitten
        was captained by
        Rocky Ware and Team
        Canada by Randy Imeson. Each country had six
        teams, one Woman’s doubles, two Mixed doubles
        and 3 Men’s doubles. They played six games in a
        round robin format for a total of 36 matches.

        We had great support from the Club, with red
        maple leaf and blue star cookies as snacks, and
        a great deal of chirping and cross court talk. The
        spectators cheered on their countries’ players.

        After round one, the score was 3-3, and all were
        into the competition. The scale slowly tipped in the
        American teams’ favor as the matches continued,
        particularly in the fourth round with a 5-1 USA
        surge. The final score was America 23-Canada 13.
        The trophy presentation was made to Rocky and
        Team America.

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