Page 16 - PICKLEBALL Matters_Spring_2019 2019 03 29_Neat
P. 16

C                                                       During Chuck’s speech, he remarked that things
               huck Lefaive’s
               retirement                                       were progressing on the pickleball front and
                                                                suggested that BC was going to do well under the
        The celebrations of                                     leadership of Walter Knecht.  He was gracious and
        Chuck’s retirement went                                 positive.  Later in the evening he (and Rita) both
        very well.  Chuck was in                                said to me that it was time “to move to the next
        great spirits even after                                level” for pickleball.  Very important and significant
        complications from the                                  to hear that from Chuck.
        coronary by-pass(es)
        and valve replacement                                   Here are a few pictures.
                                                                All-in-all … a great evening for a guy who has
        Part one was a                                          made a remarkable contribution to growth and
        presentation by the White Rock Mayor and                development of pickleball over the past 13 years.
        Council member at the Council meeting.  About
        60 of Chuck’s fans and family members were              Cheers, Tony Casey
        in the audience.  After Chuck received an
        acknowledgement as an outstanding community
        leader, we moved to another celebration on
        White Rick’s Active Living Centre, with 85 folks in
        attendance.  Food, drink, speeches, testimonials,
        presentations — including one from a director
        from the Board of Pickleball Canada.  Everything
        was very well organized and extremely well
        received and appreciated by Chuck, his wife Rita
        and one of his brothers (and his wife and family)
        who flew in from Ottawa for the events!

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