Page 45 - 2019-USAPA-Official-Tournament-Rulebook_Float-3
P. 45

10. C.  Hydration Break. The tournament director may
10. D.  authorize referees to allow players to quickly drink
        water or other hydration as long as it does not impact
10. E.  the flow of the game. During this time, partner
10. F.  communication is not allowed.

        Equipment Time‐Outs. Players are expected to keep all
        apparel and equipment in good playable condition and
        are expected to use regular time-outs and time
        between games for adjustments and replacement of
        equipment. If a player or team is out of time-outs and
        the referee determines that an equipment change or
        adjustment is necessary for fair and safe continuation
        of the match, the referee may award an equipment
        time-out not to exceed 2 minutes. Rule 10.A.6
        procedures will be followed to resume play during an
        equipment time-out.

        10.D.1.  Apparel and equipment adjustments that
                 can be accomplished quickly are allowed
                 between points (e.g., tying shoelaces,
                 cleaning glasses, adjusting hat).

        Time Between Games. The period between each game
        in a match shall not exceed 2 minutes. Rule 10.A.6
        procedures will be followed to resume play.

        Time Between Matches. The minimum time between
        matches shall be 10 minutes. If all players are ready to
        play prior to 10 minutes, the match may be called early.

        10.F.1.  In a championship match with a tie-
                 breaker match: If the winner of the losers
                 bracket defeats the winner of the winners
                 bracket, then a tie-breaker match to 15
                 points must be played. Maximum time


USAPA & IFP Official Tournament Rulebook
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