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By saying Alhamdulillah for all the giving of strength, healthy, and patient to the writer
so that the arrangement of the learning material or the module can be finished with the
tittle Learning English Module Students Class XI semester 2
This module is arranged with the purpose of learning English material available for
students class XI at SMAN 4 Bangkalan which is suitable with 2013 curriculum. Materials
also assignments are given, developed by using communicative approach principals
developing four kind of skills that should be mastered by students namely, listening,
speaking, reading and writing. Material and assignments also connected with the large
life skill and different views.
Materials and learning assignments in this module arranged into two cycles learning
(listening, speaking skills and reading, writing skills) and two languages those are
(English and Indonesian to make students more understand about the subject) as
connected in language learning, both skills develop language skills as integrated.
Learning activities are developed in order that students can be more active in learning
English activities. In this learning activities, teacher acts as a facilitator, someone who
give feedback, and encourager for the students in order to be brave using English to
communicate well and acceptable.
Even though this module has been arranged and perfected yet, so that the writer
expect there are some suggestions from teacher and students as the users of this
module, also all who support this module to be better in the next future.
Desember, 2020