Page 18 - PharVet Folder Part A & B 23.01.2020
P. 18

Cattle vet and top dairy farmer John

            Moore swears by Rehydion Gel

                 attle vet and top performing dairy   fat and 3.2% protein and with the current   required at weaning time”.
                 farmer, John Moore, swears by   good milk price, his costs are coming in
           CRehydion Gel. Not only does he    at 28 cent per liter of milk.  John runs a   ehydion gel is market leader in oral
            recommend it to his dairy and suckler   different system from the norm and says   rehydration in calves. It overcomes
            farmer clients, he also uses it on his own   that over a 5 year period, the high input,  Rthe need for the calf to be removed
            dairy herd.  To achieve his dairy optimum   high output system balances out the same  from milk by being treated for scour. Rehy-
            performance, John is selective about the   as a grass based system if done right.   dion Gel has a high Strong Ion Difference
            products and medicines he uses on his   ohn focuses on optimum fertility and   (SID) which effectively suppresses acidosis.
            dairy herd. He started using Rehydion   milk performance.  John goes onto say  Rehydion Gel corrects the acidosis, and
            Gel 2 years ago and is very happy with it.   J“Rehydion Gel has the huge advan-  leaves the stomach PH level low enough,
            John says“I’ve high standards on my farm   tage of having the calf stay on milk, just as   to allow the milk to clot, and be digested
            and only use quality products that are   nature intended. Calves continue to thrive   by the calf. The gel can be added to milk
            guaranteed to work. I know that Rehydion   even in the recovery stage plus there’s   but does not inhibit milk clotting. In beef
            Gel will do the job and I don’t have to deal   minimum stress for everyone”.   and dairy systems, the product is time
            with the issues that result with scour.” John                      saving, convenient and minimizes stress
            comes from the renowned pig and dairy   ohn adds “I find it very easy to use. The  as it can be given neat and there’s no need
            Moore farming family near Croghan near   self-measuring fill is a great idea. Just   for the calf to be separated from the dam.
            Tullamore, Co. Offaly. John has a herd of 50  J2 fills and there’s no mix up on what   One bottle of Rehydion Gel contains 320ml
            milking pedigree Holstein highly genetic   you use. I just put it in the water and it   makes up 16 litre’s of solution enough for 2
            merit cows. He runs a high input, high   mixes very well”.         calves for 2 days.
            output system and uses a robotic milking
            system.  John supplies liquid milk and has   I also use Rehydion Gel in the water
            mostly autumn calving. John feeds 2.5   when weaning calves. It provides
            tonne/cow and averages 9,500 litres of  “an ideal buffer, prevent acidosis and
            milk per cow. He has quality milk with 3.6%  maintain, the electrolyte and fluid levels,

                                             PharVet (Ireland) Ltd.
                                 Unit 29, Cookstown Industrial Estate, Dublin 24
                                       Tel: 01 451 8959    Fax: 01 451 2540

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