Page 24 - PharVet Hoof Care Catalogue 2020 07.10.20
P. 24
Enquiries about distribution
of Kanter Range to your
clients are welcome
Advantages of Hoof-Clear
– Can be used for individual and group treatment
– Specially developed to attach on wet hooves
– Triple effect: kills bacteria, hardens the horn and supports
healing of the skin
– Strong adhesiveness
– No bacterial resistance
– Still works after contact with manure
1. As the cow is being milked, spray the claws with clean water.
2. Mix 1 to 2 Litres of Hoof-Clear per 100 litres of water (1 to 2% solution)
3. HoofClear must be sprayed on the back and in the interdigital space.
4. Repeat this weekly.
5. In severe cases, repeat this twice weekly for 2 consecutive weeks.
Specially developed for hoof baths. The alternative for formalin and copper sul-
phate. By using Hoof-Mix the infection pressure can be controlled because of a
very broad workout spectrum. Hoof-Mix is based on organic acids which results in
an optimum effect.
Advantages of Hoof-Mix
– Still effective at low temperatures
– Safe for user and animals
– Active in faecal material
1. Treatment: A regular dosage rate of 3%, however, a rate of between 2% and 5% can be used depending on
the situation
3. Clean the claws with water before the animals go through the footbath.
4. Make sure the foot bath is big enough; a minimum 150L content; minimum 200x80x12cm
5. Refresh the footbath after a maximum of 150 cows.
PharVet (Ireland) Ltd.
Unit 29, Cookstown Industrial Estate, Dublin 24 24
Tel: 01 451 8959 Fax: 01 451 2540
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