Page 3 - Lameness newsletter 2020 15
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Interchem Lameness Summer Newsletter 2020
                             Teagasc highlights issues with lameness in cows

        At the Moorepark 2019 open day
        details of sub- optimal mobility
        in pasture-based dairy cows was
        presented showing a number of
        significant findings.

        A study of 62 Irish  dairy  farms
        showed  that  upon  mobility
        scoring 37% of all the cows has
        some form  of sub-optimal mo-
        bility.  When comparing 305-day
        milk yields of Irish pasture based
        cows with sub optimal mobility,         Table 1. Estimates and the standard error (SE) of the effect on 305-day
        compared to cows with optimal           , milk, fat, and protein yield for each level of sub-optimal mobility
        mobility, milk yield losses of up       (mobility score 1,2,3) compared to cows with optimal mobility (mobil-
        to 320 kg per cow per lactation         ity score 0)
        were found (Table 1).
                                                            Mobility score 1   Mobility score 2  Mobility score 3
        It was concluded that sub opti-         Yield (kg)  Estimate  SE    Estimate SE     Estimate SE
        mal mobility is  an issue  in pas-
        ture based farms associated with        Milk       20.00     17.26  -155.27  42.23  -320.74  94.64
        economic losses and welfare             Fat        0.35      0.81   -7.22    1.99   -6.8     4.46
        concerns.                               Protein    0.74      0.60   -4.85    1.46   -10.2    3.27

                                            cilities. Once in place the draw bar and   over the phone, some deliver their ma-
           WOPA continuing to               axle move out of the cows way with   chines for service and repair to his work-

             support Irish cow              simple hydraulic levers. When the cow   shop, other look to have the machines
                                                                                couriered to Carlow and of course Frank
                                            is safely in the WOPA the operator can,
                   comfort                  again hydraulically, lift the machine up   can travel to the customer if needed.
                                            300mm off the ground so he or she can
                                                                                PharVet stocks a range of parts in Cook-
                                            trim the rear hooves without the need   stown, Dublin all at next day delivery.
        The WOPA Hoof Trimming crushes con-  to stoop down repeatedly. With the use
        tinue to grow their numbers in the Irish   of sensor technolgy the WOPA 61 allows   PharVet focuses on the professional
        market place with the  launch of their   users to unload the current animal and   hoof trimming crushes but more re-
        most  recent  innovative  machine, the   load next in under 40  seconds thus en-  cently  have  began  to  look  at  WOPA’s
        WOPA 61.  The Dutch based manufac-  suring maximum throughput while on   extended  including  static farm yard
        turer has been building robust  hoof   farm. Finally, with a growing emphasis   hoof trimming crushes, sheep roll over
        trimming crushes for 60 years now and   on biosecurity,  WOPA have designed   crates, and indeed a unique specialised
        recently expanded it’s manufacturing   this machine to allow the user lift the   bull handling crate option.
        capacity to cope with increasing de-  hinged internal floor after each farm   Feel free to call Aidan, the PharVet
        mand.  Thankfully,  WOPA’s proud Irish   visit. Washing and disinfecting the ma-  WOPA sales representative on 087 253
        distributor, PharVet can lay claim to   chine top to bottom including the un-  6187
        supporting the increased demand.    derneath panels will minimise the risk
                                            of carrying an infection from farm to
        WOPA’s main focus has always been   farm.
        on animal welfare. The crushes allows
        for therapeutic or routine hoof care in   PharVet, a subsidiary of Interchem, has
        a safe, cow friendly environment. And   been distributing  WOPA machines for
        while  the WOPA 39’s, 49’s 51’s  etc are   many years now and most recently in-
        synonymous for reliability and perfor-  creased it’s own capacity to support the
        mance  in  the  Irish  market  place,  the   Irish Hoof  Trimmers by appointing a
        WOPA 61 took the cow comfort design   WOPA trained Service Technician in the
        and bolted on increased safety and sup-  midlands.
        port for the Hoof Trimmer.
                                            Frank O Hara of O Hara’s Engineering
        The  61,  once  unhooked  from  the  car   based in Fenagh, Co. Carlow came on
        can be driven by remote control to   board in 2019 and has been a valu-
        where the Hoof Trimmer wants to set   able addition to the team. Frank looks
        up in front of the farmers handling fa-  after the Hoof Trimmers in a mulitude
                                            of ways. Many avail of troubleshooting
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