P. 26

                     Tuesday 6 June 2017
               Working towards Regional Health Security in the Caribbean

            PORT  OF  SPAIN,  TRINIDAD                                                             approach  to  health  secu-  outbreaks of infectious dis-
            AND TOBAGO - “We live in                                                               rity  is  necessary  to  realize  eases and bio-terrorism, but
            a global village where situ-                                                           any success.                 is threatened by non-com-
            ations related to health se-                                                           Speaking  to  the  issue,  Dr  municable  diseases  which
            curity impact us and we in                                                             Bernadette      Theodore-    can  negatively  affect  the
            turn  can  have  an  impact                                                            Gandi,  the  Pan  American  workforce and increase the
            on the world. Therefore, we                                                            Health  Organization/World  burden on economies and
            see  keeping  residents  and                                                           Health  Organization  Rep-   health systems.
            visitors  in  the  Caribbean                                                           resentative for Trinidad and  Dr   Rudolph   Cummings,
            region  safe  by  controlling                                                          Tobago  stated,  “In  order  Programme        Manager,
            the  spread  of  infectious                                                            to  prevent  another  devas-  CARICOM Secretariat, also
            diseases  as  key  to  region-                                                         tating event like the Ebola  spoke  at  the  opening  of
            al  health  security.”    These                                                        outbreak  in  West  Africa,  the meeting.
            were  the  words  of  Dr  C                                                            countries need resilient and    He  highlighted  the  Sec-
            James  Hospedales,  Execu-                                                             inclusive  health  systems,  retariat’s  role  as  that  of  a
            tive  Director  of  the  Carib-          Participants engaged in group work.           a  sensitive  early  warning  coordinating  one,  assisting
            bean  Public  Health  Agen-                                                            system  coupled  with  rapid  countries  in  the  pooling  of
            cy (CARPHA), as he spoke  gional roadmap for health  establishment of a Region-        response  capacity,  and  resources  to  gain  desired
            at the Opening Ceremony  security.  The  Draft  Carib-    al  Coordination  Mecha-     informed  and  engaged  outcomes.
            of the Regional Coordinat-   bean Region Global Health  nism on Ebola (RCME) with  communities        that   trust    He  commended  the  net-
            ing  Mechanism  on  Health  Security  Agenda  Five-Year  a ten-point plan of action.   the  health  services  that  works formed and support-
            Security  (RCMHS)  meeting  Roadmap (2017-2021), was  Realizing that beyond Ebo-       the  governments  provide.   ed  the  multi-disciplinary
            coordinated  by  the  Agen-  developed  at  the  Global  la the threat to health secu-  Countries also need access  approach adopted to ad-
            cy.                          Health  Security  Agenda  rity is still very real, the RCME  to effective and affordable  dressing regional health se-
            The two-day meeting held  Caribbean           Roadmap  morphed  into  the  RCMHS  vaccines,  diagnostics  and  curity.
            from 9-10 May 2017, at the  Workshop  which  was  held  to help counter any threat  treatments,  good  labora-      The  meeting  was  funded
            Trinidad  Hilton  and  Con-  in Miami, Florida, in Novem-  to regional health security.   tory  and  logistics  capac-  by  the  Inter-American  De-
            ference  Centre,  brought  ber 2016.                      As  a  region  of  very  small,  ity, and safe and sufficient  velopment  Bank  and  fa-
            together  participants  from  In  2014,  CARICOM  Heads  highly vulnerable and inter  treatment  facilities  which  cilitated  by  Dr  Rosmond
            CARPHA  Member  States,  of  Government  at  their  connected  countries  and  are  properly  staffed  and  Adams,  Head,  Health  In-
            regional  and  international  Seventeenth Special Meet-   territories  where  there  is  a  equipped.”              formation,  Communicable
            organizations to discuss the  ing in Port of Spain, Trinidad  political economic integra-  Health  security,  however,  Disease  &  Emergency  Re-
            implementation  of  a  Re-   and Tobago, called for the  tion movement, a regional  is  not  only  associated  with  sponse (HCE). q
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