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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                        Diasabra 7 Mei 2022

                                                                   Bidens host Mexico’s first lady at Cinco de

                                                                                           Mayo celebration

                                                              (AP) — President Joe Biden
                                                              marked  Cinco  de  Mayo  on
                                                              Thursday  by  honoring  the
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   impact that Mexican Ameri-
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.   cans  and  other  immigrant
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                     communities have had in the
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                        United  States  as  he  hosted
              Salmo: 23                                       a  White  House  party  with
                                                              Mexico’s  first  lady  as  the
              Nos ta participa fayecimento di:                guest of honor.

                                                              Beatriz  Gutiérrez  Müller,  wife
                                                              of  Mexican  President  Andrés
                                                              Manuel López Obrador, joined
                                                              Biden  and  first  lady  Jill  Biden
                                                              for  the  Rose  Garden  reception
                                                              that featured tables draped in or-
                                                              ange, blue, lime-green and other
                                                              party colors.

                                                              “We  are  an  immigrant  nation.
                                                              We say that, but people act like   umph on May 5, 1862, over the  The  exception  was  President
                                                              they don’t believe it,” said Biden   French in the Battle of Puebla,  Donald  Trump,  whose  center-
                                                              who  briefly  left  the  podium  to   where  Mexican  soldiers  beat  piece  campaign  promise  before
                                                              personally greet Gutiérrez Mül-  back  Napoleon  III’s  forces  de-  his 2016 election was vowing to
                                                              ler. “That is our strength.”    spite being vastly outnumbered.  wall  off  the  entire  U.S.-Mexi-
                                                                                              Cinco  de  Mayo  has  become  co  border.  The  45th  president
                                                              The  president  urged  lawmak-  more  popular  in  the  United  didn’t  attend  Cinco  de  Mayo
                      Sr. Wilfrid Desir                       ers  to  approve  an  immigration   States than it is in much of Mex-  ceremonies, though he released
                                                              overhaul  he  sent  to  Congress
                       *28-06-1988 - †27-04-2022              his first week in office that re-  ico. It gives Mexican Americans  statements,  including  one  in
                                                                                              a  chance  to  celebrate  Mexi-
                                                                                                                             2018, that hailed “the significant
                                                              mains stalled. He said that if that   can heritage, but the day also is  contributions of Mexican Amer-
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues        measure  does  not  pass,  action   heavily  promoted  for  commer-  icans to the United States.”
                                                              could  still  be  taken  on  smaller   cial purposes by beer and snack
                                                              initiatives  that  have  bipartisan   companies.               Trump  also  tweeted  about  the
                                                              support,  including  protecting                                holiday  before  being  banned
                                                              people  brought  to  the  United   “Our relationship with Mexico  from the social media site. As a
                                                              States illegally as children.   is special,” Jill Biden said, add-  candidate in 2016, he wrote that
                                                                                              ing, “Joe always says that politics  “I love Hispanics” while lauding
                                                              About  100  attendees  ate  steak   is personal. And I’m grateful to  the taco bowls on the menu at
                                                              tacos, pork tamales, empanadas,   continue  building  our  friend-  the  Trump  Tower  office  build-
                                                              ceviche,  jicama  salad  and  wa-  ship.”                      ing in Manhattan.
                                                              termelon,  as  well  as  chocolate-
                                                              dipped  churros.  Margaritas  on   U.S. presidents from both par-  Last year, Biden commemorated
                                                              the rocks, beer and other drink   ties have tried to use Cinco de  the day by visiting a Washington
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   options,  were  also  served,  as  a
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.   chef  mashed  avocados  for  gua-  Mayo to celebrate the contribu-  taqueria that had benefited from
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                     camole in a large molcajete.    tions of Mexican-Americans —  Biden  administration  program
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                        a growing and powerful voting  to  help  eateries  that  lost  busi-
              Salmo: 23                                       The  day  marks  Mexico’s  tri-  bloc.                         ness because of the coronavirus
              Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon
              nos ta participa fayecimento di:

                       Wilton Israel
                       *11-11-1969 - †25-04-2022

              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
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