Page 7 - AM230516
P. 7
Diamars, 16 Mei 2023 AWEMainta LOCAL 7
Minister Maduro di Finansa ta preparando pa presenta
Nota di Comienso di Aña 2023 y Presupuesto 2024
Y ta prepara pa evaluacion di Aruba door di IMF
en e dianan aki su ‘Article IV evaluation of Aruba’ cu ta tuma Finansa y Impuesto. Den e dianan nos dilanti
DMinister di Fi- luga den luna di mei. Tur e trabounan aki ta Minister Maduro lo brinda mas informacion riba
nansa ta prepara exigi un bon coordinacion entre Minister di Fi- e trabounan haci pa por mehora e finansa pu-
pa asina por brin- nansa, Banco Central y Departamentonan di blico di Aruba.
da informacion riba
finansa publico di
Aruba. Reciente-
mente e mandatar-
io a reuni cu Ban-
co Central, Depar-
tamento di Finan- PUBLIC AUCTION
sa y Departamento
di Impuesto pa asi- T H U R S D A Y
na repasa y alinea
algun informacion J U N E 1 5 , 2 0 2 3
riba finansa publico
di nos Pais. Denter di
poco Minister Madu- On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 11am, at the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be
ro lo ta presentan- auctioned in public (executoriale verkoop) pursuant to art. 3:268 and 3:254 Civil Code
do e prome Nota di of Aruba:
Comienso di Aña na L.G. Smith Boulevard 95/ Palm Beach Plaza Mall
Parlamento di Aru- A commercial building situated on four parcels of property land consisting of:
a parcel of land, in total 1488 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba,
ba pa asina na un recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 2800,
manera hopi tem- a parcel of land, in total 533 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba,
pran den aña caba recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 2801,
a parcel of land, in total 14031 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in
Parlamento wordo Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C
poni na altura di e number 2802, and
a parcel of land, in total 922 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba,
cambionan cu por recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 2803.
tin den maneho hiba Starting bid: Afl. 14.700.000,00
pa Gobierno cu por
resulta den un cam- Orinocostraat 19
bio den Presupues- A residential house, situated on a parcel of property land, in total 234 m2 in size,
situated at Orinocostraat, San Nicolaas in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of
to 2023. Trabounan Aruba as measurement letter (rooibrief) number 2003 of 1944.
ta wordo haci tam- Starting bid: Afl. 156.000,00
be pa por hinca Pre-
supuesto 2024 den AUCTION NOTARY: Th.R. JOHNSON
otro y presenta es- ·The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special auction
aki na ora prome cu conditions which will be determined by civil law notary Th.R. Johnson.
dia 1 di september ·Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.
·The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
2023. Fuera di esa- ·Each bidder must submit a bank guarantee and/or letter of credit issued by a bank in Aruba
ki ta importante pa to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal to the auction costs.
Minister di Finansa ·A signed and dated private bid can be submitted until May 31, 2023, 5 PM. A bidding form
por a reuni cu e in- can be downloaded on our website.
stancianan concerni
pa por prepara de-
bidamente pa e ‘on- For more information visit: