Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
Monday 10 July 2023 LOCAL
Episode 16
Yopo or Cohoba and the Toad poison
Circum-Caribbean Shamans and their substances
The practice of using Yopo Thus, indigenous terms for for their potential to send
or toad poison was always the anthropological cat- harm to others. The acqui-
dangerous for those ex- egory of shamans are cul- sition of knowledge and
perimenting, and did not turally specific and the practices vary consider-
always help the participant characteristics of these ably between groups. Sha-
achieve wisdom. Still, it was specialists are so varied, manism among the ancient
a very important religious including the acquisition Caquetios was expressed
practice which has its roots of knowledge and tech- mainly during the Cohoba
in Caquetian spiritualism. niques, that it is impossible and the Maco ceremonies,
It is believed that the cult ic knowledge is acquired to identify a universal sha- when shamans and impor-
dedicated to nature spirits through dreams, without manic role in the face of tant men in the commu-
was practiced along with a formal apprenticeship, this diversity. Historically it nity inhaled psychoactive
their mythological believes. and all people share a bit has been the anthropolo- powders or the liking of poi-
Given the heterogeneity of of shamanic power. Oth- gists who identify certain sonous toads. Seated on a
language and culture, it is ers have formal appren- figures as “shamans” or rock or on a wooden stool,
impossible to characterize ticeships with masters. In pajés, or which doctors, they first pushed a spatula
a single indigenous “sha- some cases the aggressor as they are called in the down their throats, purging
manism” or “shaman” for may be the same person modern literature, and not the stomach and purifying
South American lowland who heals. Among the Ar- by the natives. The use of it to receive the sacred hal- “isolated” part of the poi-
and Caribbean Amerindi- awakans of the Rio Negro a single gloss is a scientific lucinogenic powders. sonous glands of the com-
an groups. and Guyana regions, there interpretation of language mon cane toad also known
is a plurality of specialists and culture, it is impossible The cohoba ritual aimed as Maco, Spc.Rhinella Ma-
A great variety of shaman- who are classified by inten- to characterize a single to help its practitioners to rinus, which the excreted
ic specialists performing tion and by techniques. The indigenous “shamanism” contact the deities or spir- substance of its poison
rituals and administer sub- poison owners cause harm or “shamanistic teach- its to diagnose illnesses and grands on it back is used
stances for beneficial pur- or healing by the use of ing practices” for South predict the future. On the as an entheogen for ithal-
poses has been observed; plant knowledge. Anyone American lowland groups. other handit has been in- lucinogenic quality.Despite
an equal number of indi- who knows the right chants We must consider that a terpreted to empower to all precaution deadly over-
viduals are recognized for can cause harm. There are great variety of shamanic practitioner to transmit and doses still occures.In Aruba
their potential to send harm a variety of healers, who specialists are performing as propitiatory to ceramic there is an ancientShaman-
to others. The acquisition of are distinguished by their rituals and administer sub- effigies and Zemi`s that ic chant which goes as fol-
knowledge and practices secret knowledge and the stances for beneficial pur- were buried in Cunuco`s low “Dori maco si mi muri
vary considerably between substances and therapeu- poses; an equal number of that on their hand transmit quen ta dera” “Toad Mako
groups. In some, shaman- tic techniques individuals are recognized fertility powers for agricul- if I die who will burry my ca-
tural purposes, especially daver?”
for yucca, corn beans and
squashes. Ana denantera prereg-
rina: angico-cohoba-vilca-
Aboriginal tribes of the yopo Botanical name of
Caribbean, Central and the plant which we refer
South America, including to ascohoba or yopo has
the Caquetioan groups of been dispersedall through
our islands, used to ground the Caribbean,Central and
the seeds of a plant called Southamerica greatly by
*Ana denantera prereg- the hand of man.
rina together with other
herbs and also with snails or It is a tree that grows in Es-
shells, whch they burn and pañola, Puerto Rico, Lesser
then addthe mixture into Antilles and northern part
a container for its elabora- of South America, Brazil
tion through the sacred fire. and Paraguay. It reaches
In that way they obtained 60 feet high and approx. a
a fine powder, essentially foot of diameter in its trunk.
hallucinogenic, that was in- Its leaves are 9 inches long
haled or blown in the nose and each contains thou-
of the companion either sands of small leaves. The
as a remedy or for spiritual buds measure one half
trance,a hecura for the Ya- of an inch and their fruits,
nomamis of the Amazon with the shape of a bali-
region. A trance that facili- ña, about 8 inches, which
tates the interpretation of when opened, release
messages, trowing effec- more or less ten seeds. The
tive spells and the offering tree is In bloom from au-
of blessingsthrough open tumn to spring, its fruits are
portals of eathly power. the product of the flower-
ing of the previous spring.
Cane toad or Dori maco
The active component of Source; Island Insight col-
these seeds is similar to an umn by Etnia Nativa.q