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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 19 october 2020
            Millions more virus rapid tests, but are results reported?

            By MATTHEW PERRONE                                                                                                  Organization  recommends
            AP Health Writer                                                                                                    countries test enough peo-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — After                                                                                             ple to drive their percent of
            struggling to ramp up coro-                                                                                         positives below 5%. And the
            navirus testing, the U.S. can                                                                                       U.S. has mostly been hover-
            now  screen  several  million                                                                                       ing  around  or  below  that
            people  daily,  thanks  to  a                                                                                       rate  since  mid-September,
            growing  supply  of  rapid                                                                                          a point that President Don-
            tests. But the boom comes                                                                                           ald Trump and his top aides
            with  a  new  challenge:                                                                                            have touted to argue that
            keeping track of the results.                                                                                       the  nation  has  turned  the
            All  U.S.  testing  sites  are  le-                                                                                 corner  on  the  outbreak.
            gally  required  to  report                                                                                         The  figure  is  down  from  a
            their  results,  positive  and                                                                                      peak of 22% in April.
            negative,  to  public  health                                                                                       But  some  disease-tracking
            agencies.  But  state  health                                                                                       specialists  are  skeptical.
            officials  say  many  rapid                                                                                         Engel said his group's mem-
            tests are going unreported,                                                                                         bers  think  they  aren't  get-
            which  means  some  new                                                                                             ting all the results.
            COVID-19  infections  may                                                                                           One  of  the  challenges  to
            not be counted.                                                                                                     an  accurate  count:  States
            And the situation could get                                                                                         have  wildly  different  ap-
            worse, experts say. The fed-                                                                                        proaches.   Some    states
            eral government is shipping   In this Friday, July 17, 2020 file photo, health care workers take information from people in line at a   lump  all  types  of  tests  to-
            more than 100 million of the   walk-up COVID-19 testing site during the coronavirus pandemic in Miami Beach, Fla.   gether in one report, some
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            newest rapid tests to states                                                                                        don't  tabulate  the  quick
            for  use  in  public  schools,  two  to  three  days  to  get  to states are even easier to  last  month,  undercount-  antigen tests at all and oth-
            assisted  living  centers  and  results.  Experts  pushed  for  use:  they're  about  the  size  ing  was  a  concern.  Com-  ers don't publicize their sys-
            other new testing sites.     more  "point-of-care"  rapid  of  a  credit  card  and  can  petitors Quidel and Becton  tem. Because antigen tests
            "Schools   certainly   don't  testing that could be done  be  developed  with  a  few  Dickinson  have  together  are  more  prone  to  false
            have  the  capacity  to  re-  in  doctors  offices,  clinics  drops of chemical solution.   shipped  well  over  35  mil-  negatives  and  sometimes
            port  these  tests,"  said  Dr.  and  other  sites  to  quickly  Federal health officials say  lion of their own quick tests  require   retesting,   most
            Jeffrey Engel of the Council  find people who are infect-  about  half  of  the  nation's  since June. But that massive  health  experts  say  they
            of  State  and  Territorial  Epi-  ed, get them into quaran-  daily testing capacity now  influx of tests hasn't showed  should  be  recorded  and
            demiologists. "If it's done at  tine and stop the spread.  consists of rapid tests.    up in national testing num-  analyzed  separately.  But
            all it's likely going to be pa-  Beginning  in  the  summer,  "It's  definitely  a  challenge  bers,  which  have  mostly  currently  the  vast  major-
            per-based,  very  slow  and  cheaper, 15-minute tests —  because  now  we  have  to  ranged  between  750,000  ity of states do not do that
            incomplete."                 which detect viral proteins  do many more things man-     and  950,000  daily  tests  for  and post the results online.
            Early in the outbreak, nearly  called antigens on a nasal  ually  than  we  were  with  months.    Besides  tallying  The  federal  government  is
            all U.S. testing relied on ge-  swab — became available.  electronic  reporting,"  said  new cases, COVID-19 test-  allocating the tests to states
            netic  tests  that  could  only  The first versions still needed  Kristen  Ehresmann,  of  the  ing  numbers  are  used  to  based on their population,
            be developed at high-tech  to be processed using por-     Minnesota  Department  of  calculate  a  key  metric  on  rather  than  helping  them
            laboratories.  Even  under  table  readers.  The  millions  Health.    Even  before  Ab-  the outbreak: the percent-  develop  a  strategy  based
            the  best  circumstances,  of  new  tests  from  Abbott  bott's  newest  BinaxNOW  age of tests positive for CO-    on the size and severity of
            people had to wait about  Laboratories now going out  rapid  tests  hit  the  market  VID-19.  The  World  Health  their outbreaks.q
            Twitter blocks tweet from Trump adviser downplaying masks

            By CATHY BUSSEWITZ           leading by experts such as  not  socially  distance.  At-
            AP Business Writer           public health authorities.   las  added  that  infections
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Twit-    In  such  cases,  Twitter  dis-  exploded  even  with  man-
            ter blocked a post Sunday  ables  the  account  until  its  dates in Los Angeles Coun-
            from  an  adviser  to  Presi-  owner  deletes  the  post  in  ty,  Miami-Dade  County,
            dent  Donald  Trump  who  question.                       Hawaii, Alabama, the Phil-
            suggested  that  masks  do  Trump has downplayed the  ippines,  Japan  and  other
            not work to stop the spread  importance of masks in re-   places.
            of the coronavirus.          ducing the spread of the vi-  Atlas,  the  former  chief  of
            Scott  Atlas,  who  joined  rus, even after he contract-  neuroradiology at Stanford
            the White  House  in  August  ed  the  disease,  which  has  University  Medical  Center
            as  a  science  adviser,  had  killed  more  than  215,000  and  a  fellow  at  Stanford's
            tweeted "Masks work? NO,"  Americans.                     conservative  Hoover  Insti-
            and said widespread use of  "I  don't  understand  why  tution,  has  no  expertise  in   White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas speaks at the
            masks is not supported.      the  tweets  were  deleted,"  public  health  or  infectious   White House, Monday, Oct. 12, 2020, in Washington.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            The tweet violated a Twitter  Atlas said in an email, call-  diseases.  He  has  criticized
            policy that prohibits sharing  ing  Twitter's  actions  cen-  the coronavirus lockdowns  Facebook  moved  quickly  Biden's  son,  and  it  has  not
            false  or  misleading  misin-  sorship.  He  said  his  tweet  and  campaigned  for  chil-  to  limit  the  spread  of  an  been  confirmed  by  other
            formation about COVID-19  was intended to show that  dren  to  return  to  class-      unverified  political  story  publications.  There  have
            that  could  lead  to  harm,  "general  population  masks  rooms. Some scientists view  published by the conserva-  been  no  new  tweets  from
            a  company  spokesperson  and  mask  mandates  do  Atlas as promoting danger-          tive-leaning New York Post.  the  Post  since  Oct.  14,  in-
            said. The policy bans state-  not work," and he clarified  ous  theories  around  "herd  The  story  cited  unverified  dicating Twitter may still be
            ments that have been con-    that the correct policy is to  immunity."                 emails  from  Democratic  blocking  the  newspaper's
            firmed  to  be  false  or  mis-  use  masks  when  one  can-  Last  week,  Twitter  and  presidential  nominee  Joe  tweets.q
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