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Diahuebs, 25 Maart 2021                                      AWEMainta                                                                      17

                                                           Ta tumando tur prekoushon di salú

                                                                pa dia kruseronan yega Kòrsou

                                                                                                          WILLEMSTAD                -     Celebrity
                  Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
                                                                                                          Cruises ta komprometé pa sigui

                                                                                                          protokòlnan stringente pa sal-

                                                                                                          baguardiá salú i seguridat di
                                                                                                          pasaheronan, tripulashon i e ko-

                                                                                                          munidatnan lokal,  pa medio di
                                                               “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
                                                             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.  medidanan pa salú  i  seguridat
                     Llie Tong NG                                    E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                                                                      Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
                     *09-10-1927 - †24-03-2021                             Salmo: 23                      ku ta safe i komprensivo, desar-
                                                            Cu profundo tristesa nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.                                                   oyá bou di guia di ekspertonan di

                                                                                                          e kompania mama, Royal Carib-

                                                                                                          bean Group su Healthy Sail Pan-

                                                                                                          el, Global Head of Public Health
                                                                                                          i e Chief Medical Officer.

                                                                 Margo R.  Wol -Tromp
                                                                     *14-09-1937 – †21-03-2021
                                                          Na nomber di su:                                Alabes a traha riba esakinan ku
                                                          Esposo:        †Guillermo Wol
            With heavy hearts, bittersweet tears and beautiful   Yiunan:       Mirla Wol                  outoridatnan gubernamental lo-
           memories, we announce the peaceful passing of our                      Vivian y Rudolf “Rudy” Tromp
             beloved mom, oma Nica, mother-in-law, sister,                      Marlon y Gloria Patricia Wol - Moreno  kal  pa  salú.  E  medidanan  aki,
              sister-in-law, aunt and our Dancing Queen:                     Joyce y Eusebio “Cheby” Tromp
                                                                             Audrey Wol                   inkluso e rekerimentu pa vaku-
                                                          Nietonan:    Giovanni Atencio Jr. y Gevienny Leo
                                                                             Kritzia Atencio y Frank de Die
                                                                             Randall Tromp                nashon,  desaroyá pa mantené
                                                                             Francine Tromp y Jilbert Ruiz
                                                                             Meylin Wol                   standartnan aktual di salu.
                                                                             Eunice Wol
                                                                             Jacob Tromp
                                                          Bisanietonan: Gevion Atencio
                                                                                Jayton Ruiz
                                                          Rumannan:    †Hendrik y “Mientje” Tromp y famia  E tim lokal  di epidemiólogonan
             Marie Veronica Bernarda Chance                                     Emiliano “Janni” y Francisca “Shon Kita” Tromp y famia
                      Also known as “Nica”                                      Eddy y Nelida Tromp y famia  a saminá e rekerimentunan di e
           Sunrise 25-10-1929 Saba – Sunset 22-3-2021 Aruba                        Olga y Jossy Luydens
                                                                                Mario Tromp               ‘Healthy Sail Panel’ i a yega n’e
         On behalf of her:                                                      †Irena Tromp
         Daughters: Marjorie Smits-de Cuba & husband Wim Smits                         †Christina Tromp   konklushon - pa aworakí - ku e
                               Jacqueline de Cuba                               Fernando y Ellen Tromp y famia
                               Sharon Fränkel-de Cuba & husband Diego Fränkel                         Eric y Eveline Tromp y famia
         Like a daughter: Olivine Pietersz-Rollock        Swa y cuñanan: Bertha Wol  y famia              linia di guia pa salú  ta duna su-
         Grandchildren:   Jasmine Smits                                              †Max y Beatrix Wol  y famia
                Naomi van Gelder-Smits & Dennis van Gelder                             Ankie Sotthewes y famia  fisiente seguridat ku  prekoush-
                Laura DeCarlo-Oomen & Uriah DeCarlo                                  Sita Wol
                Kenneth Oomen & Elke Harmelink                                       Bennie Wol  y famia  onnan ku a tuma lo ta sufisien-
                Lorenzo Fränkel & Angelique Kamsteeg                                 Lucila y John Coussens
                Dean Fränkel & Anh Thu Pham                                          Frans Wol  y famia   te pa  salbaguardiá bienestar di
                Kyle Fränkel & Natasha Osses-König                                    Filomena y Victor Ruiz y famia
         Great-Grandchildren:  Chermayne Luciana                                      Gerrit y Julia Wol  y famia
                       Dylan, Quinten & Aidan van Gelder                              Jane y Luis Aponte y famia  pasaheronan, i tambe  residen-
                       Rylan & Max DeCarlo                                            Thea y Jossy Leest y famia
         Brother:  Leo Chance & Fam                                                   Martina y Hans Vis    tenan lokal.
         Sisters:    Rose Koenraad-Chance & Don Koenraad & Fam                              Wilfrido Wol
                Dorothy Marten & Fam                      Primo y primanan, sobrino y sobrinanan, conocirnan
         Sisters-in-law:                                  Su bon bisiña nan.
         Nicomeda Rollock & Fam, Valentine (Dove) Chance & Fam  Compañera y ayudante: Laura Claudia                         Dia 17 di maart, 2021, Gobièrnu
         All nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, Godchildren,   Demas famia: Wol , Tromp, Atencio, Leo, de Die, Ruiz,
         friends, close acquaintances & all other relatives  Luydens, Falconi, Brokke, Jacobs, Croes, Sotthewes,
         Caretakers: Glenda, Vanessa, Tracey, Dr. Lanting, personnel &   Coussens, Aponte, Leest, Vis.    di a duna aprobashon pa inkluí
         security of Huize Maristella, and the people who were always   Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diabierna 26 maart 2021 na
         there for her: Flor, Joyce, Irvine               Aurora Funeral Home di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi y despues   Kòrsou den e itinerario planiá.
                                                          saliendo pa Santana Catolico Noord
         We apologize if we forgot to mention anyone’s name in our   Nos kier recorda cu protocol di DVG ta vigente:  Lo mantené e linianan di komu-
         time of bereavement, it was not intentional.     Uza handsanitizer na entrada, tapaboca ta obligatorio
                                                          y no ta permiti pa duna man, brasa of sunchi ni aglom-
         The opportunity to o er your condolences will be on Friday   eracion.                            nikashon pa ahustá prekoushon-
         March 26, 2021 from 9am – 11am at Aurora Funeral Home in   Si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida un of otro familiar y
         Cumana. We please ask that you wear bright and happy colors,   conocir nos disculpa.             nan na kualke momentu ku es-
         which is what our mom would have loved. The cremation   Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no por ricibi
         services will be held privately.                 bishita di condolencia na cas.                  akinan ta nesesario.
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