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                   Friday 25 august 2017

            Loyal Visitors Honored

            at Aruba Beach Club

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently  Steve and Georgia are loy-
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  al  members  of  the  Aruba
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  Beach Club and they love
            of  honoring  a  very  nice  Aruba very much because
            couple  who  are  loyal  and  of the friendly people, the
            friendly visitors of Aruba at  climate,  the  friends  they
            the  Aruba  Beach  Club  as  have  made  here  over  the
            Distinguished Visitors.      years,  the  beaches  and
                                         the  restaurants.  They  say
            The symbolic honorary title  Aruba  feels  like  a  second
            is  presented  in  the  name  home,  the people  are  like
            of  the  Minister  of  Tourism  a  family  to  them  and  the
            as a token of appreciation  Aruba  Beach  Club  is  like
            to  guests  who  visit  Aruba  their   ‘home-away-from-
            for  10-to-19  consecutive  home.’    The  certificates
            years.  The  honorees  were  were presented by Ms. Dar-
            Mr.  Steve  and  Mrs.  Geor-  line  de  Cuba  representing
            gia Sclavos of Russell Lane,  the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-
            California, who have been  ity  together  with  associ-
            coming to Aruba for more  ates from the Aruba Beach
            than 10 consecutive years.   Club. q

                                                                                                   Saturday: Enjoy Ling & Sons

                                                                                                   ‘Nice To Meat You Festival’

                                                                                                   ORANJESTAD - Ling & Sons  to  once  again  present
                                                                                                   IGA  supercenter,  the  larg-  something  different  and
                                                                                                   est  supermarket  on  the  is-  unexpected. We also have
                                                                                                   land  is  organizing  another  Bavaria  restaurant  present
                                                                                                   great event: “Nice to Meat  to  give  a  tasting.  Bavaria
                                                                                                   You Festival.”               is  known  for  its  German
                                                                                                   During this festival you can  This  event  is  a  free  event
                                                                                                   taste the different types of  with  great  surprises  for  all
                                                                                                   meat the supermarket has  attendees.  The  supermar-
                                                                                                   to  offer.  The  Meat  Festival  ket  will  offer  great  spe-
                                                                                                   takes  place  Saturday  Au-  cials and a chance to win
                                                                                                   gust 26 from 12pm to 5pm.    amazing  prizes  during  this
                                                                                                   There will be meat tastings,  event.
                                                                                                   wine  tasting  and  a  lot  of  Visit our Meat Festival and
                                                                                                   great  tips  of  how  to  pre-  try  out  the  best  meat  on
                                                                                                   pare meat.                   the Island.
                                                                                                   Our  team  will  be  grilling  Are you ready for the Meat
                                                                                                   homemade  sausages.  This  festival?  To  find  out  more
                                                                                                   year’s meat fest has a Ger-  visit  our  website,  or  face-
                                                                                                   man theme to it.             book   page    www.face-
                                                                                                     This  way  our  team  hopes
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