Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8

                                                                                                           local Monday 25 July 2022

            Local artist Armando Goedgedrag creates new mural

            Oranjestad  -  The  commu-   loves to paint. Gutu (Green
            nity of Aruba and its visitors  Parrot  Fish),  Blenchi  Berde
            can all enjoy a new mural  (Blue-Tailed  Emerald)  that
            in  the  center  of  San  Nico-  can be seen on Aruba also
            las.  A.T.A  commissioned  as a Blenchi Cora (Ruby To-
            a  local  artist,  Armando  paz  Hummingbird)  are  all
            Goedgedrag  to  create  a  species that belong to Aru-
            new mural.                   ba. The yellow and orange
                                         colors are a symbol of the
            Recently,  Armando  pre-     rising of the sun, which is an
            sented this mural and gave  homage to San Nioclas as
            an explanation of the idea  the ‘Sunrise City’. The sym-
            behind  this  mural  to  many  bols representing the tradi-
            including  the  San  Nicolas  tional houses of Aruba were
            Business  Association.  Ar-  included  as  cultural  ele-
            mando  highlighted  that  ments.  To  give  everything
            he felt proud to be able to  a colorful finish, the radiant
            create  art  for  San  Nicolas  colors of the beaches and
            that is so special to him and  mangroves were included.
            his  family.  His  grandfather
            was an employee of Lago,  This  mural  has  an  interac-
            Aruba’s refinery back then  tive  element  where  both
            and  his  family  members  visitors and locals can stand
            are  residents  of  Weg  Sero  at the corner of the mural,
            Preto.                       and  place  their  arms  in  a
                                         way  that  it  looks  like  they
            The  mural  that  Armando  are ripping a page reveal-
            created  is  part  of  a  cam-  ing  the  mural  behind  it.  In
            paign with the goal to mo-   the  photos  Armando  can
            tivate  visitors  and  locals  be seen demonstrating this
            alike to take care of nature  interaction.
            and Aruba.
                                         Soon  a  QR  code  will  be
            Armando  explained  that  distributed  by  A.T.A  where
            this mural focuses mainly on  more  information  about
            nature,  something  that  he  the mural can be found. q
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