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A28    u.s. news
                      Dialuna 26 aPRil 2021

                          Kansas agency's lost $72K: 4 years of probing, few answers

            (AP)  —  Sometime  after                                                                                            lic  because  of  the  open-re-
            a  January  2017  drug  bust                                                                                        cords  lawsuit  the  newspaper
            near  Interstate  70's  main                                                                                        filed  days  later,  wasn't  more
            exit for President Dwight                                                                                           specific  about  what  Purvis
            Eisenhower's      boyhood                                                                                           wanted investigated.
            Kansas  home,  $72,000  in
            cash  seized  by  the  local                                                                                        A KBI agent filed an offense
            sheriff's  department  dis-                                                                                         report  in  October  2018  say-
            appeared.                                                                                                           ing  $72,020  was  missing  in
                                                                                                                                a  potential  “Theft  of  prop-
            The state has been investigat-                                                                                      erty or services." The report's
            ing  the  Dickinson  County                                                                                         front  page  —  the  only  page
            Sheriff's  Department  for                                                                                          typically  released  in  Kansas
            close to four years, with two                                                                                       — does not name suspects.
            officials saying in a court fil-
            ing  this  year  that  a  “fear  of                                                                                 Graham's letter said the KBI
            retribution”  among  depart-                                                                                        spent about 18 months inves-
            ment employees had slowed                                                                                           tigating  the  missing  money
            progress. A three-term sher-                                                                                        and more than a year inves-
            iff lost last year's Republican                                                                                     tigating allegations involving
            primary  decisively  to  a  for-                                                                                    Hoffman and his employees.
            mer  longtime  officer  who                                                                                         The state found “insufficient
            told  voters  the  department                                                                                       evidence” for charges.
            was falling apart.
                                                                                                                                Also  involved  was  Kansas
            The  mystery  has  unfolded                                                                                         Attorney   General   Derek
            amid  a  national  debate  over  reau  of  Investigation  closed  answer  questions  in  writing  iff's  office  asked  it  in  late  Schmidt's office, which noti-
            whether  law  enforcement  an  inquiry  into  the  former  in  late  February.  They  were  May  2017  to  investigate  the  fied Purvis in July 2019 that
            agencies  can  too  easily  seize  sheriff  in  October  2019  and  defending the KBI's refusal to  $72,000  missing  from  its  it wouldn't file criminal mis-
            cash and other assets — often  the missing funds were “fully  release  records  five  months  property  room.  The  sheriff  conduct  charges  in  Dickin-
            without  a  criminal  convic-  investigated,”  spokesperson  after  the  Abilene  Reflector-  has an evidence room in the  son County. The letter from
            tion.  Interstate  70  has  long  Melissa Underwood said.  Chronicle's  parent  company  county courthouse.         Assistant  Attorney  General
            been  considered  a  major                                sued for disclosure.                                      Michael Serra suggested that
            drug-running corridor.       Yet,  Underwood  also  wrote                              Dickinson County Commis-     a  case  could  not  be  proven
                                         in a recent email to The As-  Thompson and Graham said  sion  Chairman  Lynn  Peter-   to a jury, though an investi-
            Meanwhile,  there’s  no  of-  sociated  Press,  “We  have  officers  wouldn't  help  the  son believes people were sat-  gation  remained  open.  He
            ficial  explanation  for  what  open cases involving Dickin-  KBI if they knew their state-  isfied then with the sheriff’s  questioned local officials' evi-
            happened  to  the  cash  seized  son  County  Sheriff’s  Office  ments would become public.  leadership  and  notes  that  it  dence-handling policies.
            in Dickinson County.         personnel."                  “One deputy was advised by  was  the  sheriff's  office  "that
                                                                      commanding officers that he  uncovered the fact that mon-  The  sheriff's  office  did  have
            “I would like to think that we  Current  Sheriff  Jerry  Da-  would  be  fired  if  he  spoke  ey  was  missing  and  started  21 pages of policies — which
            could  get  some  closure  on  vis  cited  the  KBI's  inquiries  about a theft,” the KBI offi-  gathering information.”  Davis said he's revising — for
            that,”  said  Brad  Homman,  in  declining  to  answer  most  cials said.                                           items in its courthouse prop-
            the county administrator.    questions. The local prosecu-                             But  in  May  2018,  nearly  a  erty room, including one that
                                         tor, Andrea Purvis, didn't re-  Any  picture  of  what  hap-  year  after  the  sheriff's  of-  said cash or coins worth more
            Abilene, the county seat with  spond  to  interview  requests  pened is clouded by separate  fice sought KBI help, Purvis  than $100 were to be counted
            6,400  people,  is  about  150  or emailed questions.     allegations in early 2017 that  asked the state agency to in-  by the deputy who seized the
            miles  west  (241  kilometers)                            a lieutenant improperly bor-  vestigate  “possible  evidence  money  and  a  second  officer
            of Kansas City. Eisenhower’s  Former Sheriff Gareth Hoff-  rowed  $25,760  over  4  1/2  destruction  and  interference  before  being  sealed  in  tam-
            presidential  library  gives  the  man  and  his  undersheriff  years, most of it from a prop-  with  law  enforcement”  by  per-proof packaging.
            town  a  hint  of  prairie  recti-  didn't respond to social me-  erty  room  in  the  basement  Hoffman or his employees.
            tude, though it had a pre-Ike  dia or email messages. Possi-  the  county  attorney's  office                       As  for  the  missing  cash,
            past  as  the  end  of  the  Ch-  ble phone numbers for them  building.  The  officer  later  Local  officials'  requests  for  Homman,  the  county  ad-
            isholm  Trail  for  1860s  cattle  weren't answered.      pleaded guilty to felony theft  KBI   investigations   were  ministrator, said it would be
            drovers.                                                  in  a  case  that  has  prompted  confirmed  in  a  September  nice to get it back.
                                         Some  details  emerged  when  questions  about  how  Hoff-  2020  letter  to  the  Reflector-
            No  criminal  charges  have  a lawsuit forced KBI Director  man ran the department.    Chronicle’s  attorney  from  “It's  money  that  shouldn't
            been  filed  over  the  missing  Kirk Thompson and General                             Graham,  the  KBI’s  general  have been wherever it went.”
            $72,000.  The  Kansas  Bu-   Counsel  Laura  Graham  to  The  KBI  said  that  the  sher-  counsel. The letter, now pub-

                              At least 6 killed in fiery van crash on Georgia interstate

                                                                      (AP) — At least six people  miles (56 kilometers) north-  details  about  the  people  in
                                                                      died  and  several  others  east of downtown Atlanta.     the van would be announced
                                                                      were hurt in an interstate                                in the coming days.
                                                                      crash in Georgia that left  Six people were pronounced
                                                                      a  passenger  van  engulfed  dead at the scene and several  Investigators  were  working
                                                                      in flames and rolled on its  others were taken to Atlanta-  to  determine  the  cause  of
                                                                      side, police said.           area  hospitals  for  treatment.  the crash. Information at the
                                                                                                   One bystander suffered a mi-  scene  led  police  to  believe
                                                                      Passersby  stopped  to  pull  nor injury but declined to be  another  vehicle  may  have
                                                                      people from the burning ve-  transported, police said.    been  involved.  Witnesses
                                                                      hicle Saturday evening along                              were asked to call the police
                                                                      I-85  near  the  I-985  split,  It  was  unclear  how  many  department's  accident  inves-
                                                                      Gwinnett County police Sgt.  people  were  inside  the  van  tigation tip line with any in-
                                                                      Michele Pihera said in a news  but  police  believe  all  were  formation.
                                                                      release. The area is about 35  adults. The news release said
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