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                                                                                                                           Saturday 17 February 2018

            Aruban Appointed As The New Vice President Of Sales & Marketing

            Operations For Caribbean & Latin America At Marriott International

                                                                                                   been overlooking the Sales  al  company.  According
                                                                                                   &  Marketing  Discipline  for  to  Antoinette,  in  order  for
                                                                                                   the  Caribbean,  as  Area  young  professionals  to  be
                                                                                                   Director  of  Sales  and  Mar-  successful, they must to be
                                                                                                   keting.  Antoinette  gradu-  eager  to  learn  about  the
                                                                                                   ated  from  Boston  College  different aspects of the ho-
                                                                                                   in  Massachusetts,  with  a  tel and tourism industry, as
                                                                                                   Bachelor’s  degree  in  Mar-  growth will come naturally,
                                                                                                   keting.  She is married with  “Everything  in  life  comes
                                                                                                   two  daughters  and  enjoys  at  the  right  time,  and  one
                                                                                                   spending her free time trav-  must work hard, be curious,
                                                                                                   eling  with  her  family  and  listen  and  learn,  take  risks,
                                                                                                   especially  watching  her  and not be afraid to ask for
                                                                                                   girls at the pool while they  help.  The  more  you  know
                                                                                                   practice  and  compete  in  the more valuable you will
                                                                                                   their favorite sport of swim-  be.  Find  your  passion  and
                                                                                                   ming.                        take  the  opportunity  to
                                                                                                   Antoinette  is  a  brilliant  ex-  travel  the  world,  explore
            PALM BEACH - Aruba Mar-      are  key  ingredients  for  her  has done for the hospitality  ample of an Aruban wom-  and expand your boundar-
            riott is very pleased to an-  success”,  shared  Alex  Fiz  –  industry  as  well  as  for  the  an who started her career  ies”, Antoinette shared.
            nounce  that  Marriott  Inter-  Regional  Vice  President  –  associates  and  their  com-  as  a  young  professional  Looking  at  the  future,  An-
            national,  Inc.  has  named  Sales & Marketing – Carib-   munities. Whenever asked,  on the island and has built  toinette  feels  incredibly
            Aruba  native  Antoinette  bean & Latin America.          I am very proud to say that  an  impressive  internation-  fulfilled  with  this  milestone
            van den Berg as Vice Presi-  Because of her passion for  I  work  for  Marriott  Interna-  al  career  because  of  her  she has reached in her ca-
            dent  of  Sales  &  Marketing  people  and  creating  long  tional.”                   hard  work  and  strong  de-  reer  and  for  the  first  time
            Operations  for  the  Carib-  lasting  relationships,  An-  In 2013, Antoinette moved  termination  to  grow.  This  doesn’t have anything else
            bean and Latin America.      toinette  –  born  and  raised  from her native island Aru-  shows  that  even  though  planned  in  the  immediate
                                         in  Aruba  -  knew  since  the  ba  to  Florida  to  transition  she comes from a small is-  future.  She  knows  that  at
            In  her  new  role  Antoinette  start of her professional ca-  as  Area  Director  of  Sales  land,  her  perseverance  some  point  she  would  like
            will oversee the Area Direc-  reer that she wanted to be  &  Marketing  for  the  South  has  opened  many  doors  to come back to her ‘One
            tors  of  Sales  &  Marketing  part  of  the  hotel  industry.  America  region  with  Mar-  for  her  internationally  and  Happy  Island’  and  find  a
            for the region, and she will  She  started  with  the  Mar-  riott  International  Inc.  and  got  her  the  opportunity  to  way to continue her career
            maintain  her  responsibili-  riott in 2005 as Senior Sales  as  of  2014  Antoinette  has  grow  within  a  multination-  with Marriott.q
            ties  for  the  Caribbean.    In  Manager  at  the  Aruba
            addition,  she  will  be  the  Marriott  Resort  &  Stellaris
            Luxury  Lead  for  the  Disci-  Casino  and  was  later  pro-
            pline  as  part  of  the  Luxury  moted  to  Director  of  Sales
            Team.    “Antoinette  brings  and  to  Director  of  Sales  &
            extensive  experience  from  Marketing of the hotel.  At
            years  in  the  Caribbean  &  an  early  stage,  Antoinette
            Latin  America  Region  and  identified  herself  with  Mar-
            has  been  an  outstanding  riott’s company values and
            performer as Area Director  culture, which were the key
            of Sales & Marketing in mul-  factors  that  encouraged
            tiple  occasions  and  mar-  her  to  stay  and  grow  with
            kets. It is her passion for the  the company. “I admire Mr.
            Caribbean and Luxury that  Marriott and what his family
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