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Thursday 8 February 2018
Aruba Divi Phoenix Divi Links Golf
2 br WK 7 room #751-752 studio week # 3 room #4205 Electric cars have benefits, but
Pool/Ocean View 25 weeks remain $8000
31 Weeks remain For Rent
Price :$25K Aruba Divi Phoenix likely won't save you money
Call:630-1307 studio from: 17 Feb. to 3 March’18
$1,300 each Friedman, director of cars
Divi Links Golf Call:630-1307 for Consumers Union, the
1br WK 11 room #2303 policy division of Consumer
studio WK 11 room #2302 _________________________________209090 Reports. Here's a compari-
27 weeks remain 10 son of the 2018 Nissan Leaf
accelerated Fix Weeks/ (RCI Points ) electric car and the 2018
1br WK 12 room #2303 Divi Links Golf Honda Civic, a compara-
27 weeks remain 10 accelerated 1 br 2 bath WK 4,5,6 bly sized small car.
1br $9000 studio$8000 room #2124 birdie IV COST: The Honda Civic
Call;630-1307 29 weeks remain four-door sedan with an Ground Floor $35K all tree automatic transmission
weeks starts at $19,640. That's
Call: 630-1307
Barcelo Resorts $10,350 less than the start-
2 br deluxe Week 9 and 10 ing price of the Nissan Leaf,
Ocean View all inclusive ________________________________209090 In this Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017, file photo, the 2018 Nissan Leaf is which is $29,990. Electric
on display during an unveiling event in Las Vegas.
Price :$25K each Nice House 5 Min Drive Associated Press cars are eligible for a $7,500
Call;630-1307 From Eagle Beach and Palm federal tax credit until an Beach By DEE-ANN DURBIN, the bot- automaker has sold more
3 bedroom , 3 bath Full airco DETROIT (AP) — Electric cars tom line is price. With gas than 200,000 electric ve-
Tropicana Resort and Casino Full Furnish , Garage, Maid room have a lot of perks: zero prices averaging $2.56 per hicles in the U.S.; Nissan has
1 br WK 7 room #5559 Laundry, Place to build Pool emissions, a quiet ride and gallon, it's hard to make up sold around 150,000 Leafs,
1 br WK 8 room #1537 on a property Land $280 K instant acceleration. But the price premium of an so buyers can still get that
Price : $8000 each Call:630-1307 can they save you money? electric vehicle — which credit. Some states also of-
Call: 630-1307 Probably not. Electric car can easily top $10,000 — fer incentives for electric _________________________________209090 prices are falling, but they within a three-year lease vehicles; California, for ex-
Aruba Divi Phoenix still cost more than equiva- period, he says. Electric car ample, will mail a $2,500
Aruba Divi Phoenix studio Week 8 room #904 lent gas models because drivers are more likely to rebate check to electric
studio week 7 room #1103 17 weeks remain $7500 of their expensive batteries. lease than gas car buyers; car buyers, while Colorado
$9000 studio Wk 9 room #652 A $7,500 federal tax credit for example, 57 percent offers a $5,000 tax credit.
18 weeks remain 10 accelerated 32 weeks remain $10,000 — which survived the re- of Nissan Leaf electric cars Friedman and Montoya
studio Week 8 room #1404 Call :630-1307 cent tax overhaul — helps are leased, compared to say leasing is smart, since
$8500 erase that gap, but not en- 30 percent of cars overall, technology is changing
26 weeks remain 10 acclerated tirely. After that, the math Edmunds says. (Edmunds so rapidly, but there is still
Call:630-1307 Aruba Marriott Renaissance gets more complicated. regularly provides content, a significant difference in 1 br deluxe Week 13 and 14 Some states and utilities of- including automotive tips monthly lease payments:
room # 2548 Ocean Front Top fer incentives for electric and reviews, for distribution $229 for the Leaf or $169 for
Floor vehicle owners. Plugging by The Associated Press.) the Civic for three years.
$11,000 each in an electric car is gener- Still, electrics have ben- FUELING: Electric cars are
Call: 630-1307 ally cheaper than filling up efits, both tangible — like cheaper to fuel. It costs a gas-powered one, but lower maintenance costs $600 per year to charge
_______________________________209090 that depends on the local — and intangible. Own- a Leaf, according to the
La Cabana BRC price of gas and electricity. ers can drive them in high- U.S. government, which as-
studio Wk 3 room #436 b Some people can charge occupancy vehicle lanes, sumes drivers travel 15,000
Pool/Ocean View $7500 their electric cars at work, for example, or simply feel miles per year and pay
1 br WK 4 room #436 C but others need to add a good that they're causing the national average of 13
Pool/ocean View $8500 charging station to their ga- less pollution. "We are still cents per kWh for electric-
Call:630-1307 rage. For Ronald Montoya, a car culture, and some of ity. By comparison, you'll a consumer advice editor our personal identity is tied spend $1,050 on gas to fill
________________________________209090 with the car shopping site up in our cars," said David up the Civic. Those figures
fluctuate depending on
Aruba Divi Phoenix where you live; in Honolulu,
2br WK 10 room # 961/962 for example, electricity is
Ocean View $25K double the national aver-
34 weeks remain age but gas is also expen-
2br Ph WK 11 & 12 $30K each sive — 79 cents higher per
Ocean View 34 Weeks remain gallon than the national
Call:630-1307 average. There are other costs to take into consider-
ation as well. If you're a first-
Aruba Divi Phoenix time electric car buyer and
1br WK10 & 11 room e #844 you can't charge at work
Ocean View 34 weeks remain or at a public charger,
$35 both you'll likely want to install
divi Links Golf a 240-volt charging port
1 br Week 8 &9 room #4229 in your garage. Expect to
28 weeks remain $8500 each pay $1,500 to $2,000 for a
Call:630-1307 charging station as well as installation fees, Montoya
says. q