Page 2 - DESPA 03 MAY 2017
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Pagina 26                                                                                                                            Diarazon 3 Mei 2017

           Sudoku                                                                            Botica na Warda:
                                                                                                      TE CU 6 MEI 2017

                                                                                                Botica Sta. Anna
                                                                                               Botica Seroe Preto

                                                                                             Rooster di dokter na Warda IMSAN
                                                                                                      pa luna di MEI 2017

                                                                                             MA 01 LINDEN V/D (Arbeidsdag) MA 22 RAMAUTAR

                                                                                             DI 02 EVERY             DI 23 TROMP

                                                                                             WO 03 GIEL              WO 24 VIS

                                                                                             DO 04 LINDEN V/D        DO 25 WEVER


                                                                                             VR 05 LUCHMUN           VR 26 BODERIE

                                                                                             MA 08 RAMAUTAR          MA 29 BRITT-CROES
                                                                                             DI 09 TROMP             DI 30 DE CUBA
                                                                                             WO 10 VIS               WO 31 EVERY
                                                                                             DO 11 BODERIE           VR 12 BRITT-CROES

Noticia Internet...                                                                          MA 15 DE CUBA
                                                                                             DI 16 EVERY
    HBO ANNOUNCES LANDMARK                                                                   WO 17 GIEL
DOCUMENTARY ON PRINCESS DIANA                                                                DO 18 LINDEN V/D
                                                                                             VR 19 LUCHMUN


                                                                                             06 – 07 Mei       * VIS
                                                                                             13 – 14 Mei       * BODERIE
                                                                                             20 – 21 Mei       * BRITT-CROES
                                                                                             27 – 28 Mei       * DE CUBA

                                                                                             Numbernan di Emergencia:

                                                                                             Central di Brandweer    911

                                                                                             Polis                   100

                                                                                                          Sanicolas  104

                                                                                                          Sta Cruz   105

                                                                                                          Oranjestad 102

                                                                                                          Shaba      107

                                                                                                          Tip Line   11141

HBO Documentary Films          talk openly and in depth      The film will also include       Hospitaal               527-4000
announced today a              about their mother and how    individual contributions
landmark documentary,          her influence has shaped       from many key figures in         Centro Medico San Nicolas 524-8833
which will celebrate the life  their lives.                  the Princess’ life and new
and work of Diana, Princess                                  archival material. Through
of Wales, in the 20th year     Their Royal Highnesses will   the personal and intimate       Ambulance
since her tragic death.                                      reflections of her two sons
                               also offer their perspective  and of her friends and family,               Wayaca     582-1234
Oxford Film and Television                                   many of whom have never
produced the film for           on the Princess’ unique       spoken publicly before, the
the ITV network in the                                       documentary will offer fresh
U.K. The unprecedented         contribution to public life,  and revealing insights into                  Sanicolas  584-5050
documentary will be built                                    Princess Diana, an iconic
around interviews with The     including her charitable      figure who touched the lives
Duke of Cambridge and                                        of millions. Ashley Gething
Prince Harry, both of whom     and humanitarian work.        produces and directs.

                               Areas including landmines,

                               child  bereavement,

                               homelessness and HIV and

                               AIDS, will be explored.
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