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Wednesday 24 July 2024 SERVICE
Cruise ship Schedule: July 01 - July 30 2024
Helpful tips for your stay on Aruba
Supermarket hours
(Oranjestad)—When trav- lets used on the island: type
eling to another country, A with two flat prongs; type
especially for the first time, B with two flat and one
it is always better to be grounding prong, and on
over-prepared than under- occasion, type F with two
prepared. That is why we round prong and two earth
have a list of basicbut im- clips on the side. However,
portant information that we Type A is most commonly
think may come in handy found in homes and estab-
to Aruba’s visitors. lishments.
Supermarket hours may
Electrical power Drinking water vary depending on where
you are staying on the is-
land. Generally though,
most supermarkets are
open from 8am to 9 or
10pm, Monday through
Saturday. On Sundays, su-
permarkets generally close
earlier; mostly around 2pm.
Since February 2024, Aru-
The water that flows ba has been categorized
through the sinks of every as the safest country in the
house, hotels and other Caribbean by The Tele-
establishments is distilled graph, and many tourist
and perfectly safe to drink. that visit have often told
Aruba’s drinking water ex- us how they feel safe to
ceeds WHO’s international explore the island or walk
standards for water qual- around at night. However,
Aruba generally operates ity, so there is no need to rare incidents do occurs,
on 110V to 127V supply buy bottled water from the so keep yourself and your
voltage and 60Hz. There store. belongings safe.
are also three types of out-
Matadera 3n unit-11 aRuBa
2 storey condo
3 bedrooms, 3 baths
living / dinning room
furnished, renovated
painted. Pool
$425,000 usd furnished
$395,000 usd w/appliances
Whatsapp: 1-613-291-2121