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Diasabra 16 di Mei 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
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Pagina 3 Pagina 16
Love for the stray
Saturday animals
May 16, 2020
T: 582-7800
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper Page 32
Most states still fall short of recommended testing levels
By MATTHEW PERRONE, below a key benchmark,
BRIAN WITTE according to an AP ana-
and NICKY FORSTER lysis of metrics developed
Associated Press by Harvard’s Global Health
WASHINGTON (AP) — As Institute.
businesses reopened Fri- As health authorities ex-
day in more of the U.S., an pand testing to more
overwhelming majority of people, the number of po-
states still fall short of the sitive results should shrink
COVID-19 testing levels compared with the total
that public health experts number of people tested.
say are necessary to safely The World Health Organi-
ease lockdowns and avoid zation and other health
another deadly wave of researchers have said a
outbreaks, according to an percentage above 10%
Associated Press analysis. indicates inadequate tes-
Rapid, widespread testing ting.
is considered essential to South Korea, a country
tracking and containing praised for its rapid respon-
the coronavirus. se, quickly pushed its posi- Steve Morlock, of Rescue Inc., puts a COVID-19 testing swab up the nasal passage of Sharon Bra-
But 41 of the nation’s 50 sta- tive cases to below 3%. nand, of West Chesterfield, N.H., during a pop-up COVID-19 testing clinic at the Brattleboro Union
tes fail to test widely enou- High School’s parking lot, in Brattleboro, Vt., Thursday, May 14, 2020.
gh to drive their infections Continued on Page 25 Associated Press