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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 14 May 2019
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has surgery for broken hip
By SUDHIN THANAWALA with the shooting season 2015 that he had melano-
Associated Press ending this week. ma that had spread to his
ATLANTA (AP) — Former "He hopes the State of liver and brain. He received
U.S. President Jimmy Carter Georgia will allow him to treatment for seven months
broke his hip Monday at his roll over the unused limit to until scans showed no sign
south Georgia home when next year," the statement of the disease.
he fell while leaving to go said. "I've had a wonderful life,"
turkey hunting, a spokes- In a Tweet, President Don- he said at the time he re-
woman for the Carter Cen- ald Trump wished Carter vealed the cancer. "I've
ter said. a speedy recovery, saying had thousands of friends,
The 94-year-old former the former president was I've had an exciting, ad-
president was treated in in great spirits when they venturous and gratifying
Americus, Georgia, near his spoke recently. existence."
home in Plains, and was re- "He will be fine," Trump said. Carter's legacy since leav-
covering comfortably after In March, Carter became ing office has long over-
successful surgery, spokes- the longest-living chief ex- shadowed his rocky White In this Sept. 18, 2018 file photo, former President Jimmy Carter
woman, Deanna Congileo, ecutive in U.S. history, ex- House tenure, where he lost speaks during a news conference, in Plains, Ga.
said in a statement. ceeding the lifespan of for- after one term amid a U.S. Associated Press
His wife of 73 years, Rosal- mer President George H.W. hostage crisis with Iran. He
ynn, was with him, Cong- Bush, who died Nov. 30 at and Rosalynn founded the conflicts and eradicate married.
ileo said. the age of 94 years, 171 Carter Center in Atlanta in disease, including guinea A devout Christian, Carter
In an indication Carter days. 1982 to focus on global hu- worm. regularly teaches Sunday
was in good spirits, Cong- The milestone came de- man rights issues. The former president and school at Maranatha Bap-
ileo said Carter's main con- spite a cancer diagno- The center has monitored first lady still live in Plains, a tist Church, drawing hun-
cern was that he had not sis more than three years elections around the world town of about 750 where dreds of visitors to Plains for
reached his limit on turkeys earlier. Carter disclosed in and worked to resolve they were born, raised and each session.q
Vermont renames
Columbus Day as
Indigenous Peoples' Day
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — and others say celebrating
Vermont has joined a Italian explorer Christopher
handful of states in renam- Columbus ignores the ef-
ing Columbus Day to honor fect that the European ar-
Native Americans. Republi- rival in the Americas had
can Gov. Phil Scott signed on the native peoples.
a bill May 6 recognizing the They suffered violence, dis-
second Monday in Octo- ease, enslavement, rac-
ber as Indigenous Peoples' ism and exploitation at the
Day. A half-dozen states, hands of the settlers.
including Vermont, and Vermont's law states that
several cities have made "Vermont was founded
the change. and built upon lands
The governors of Maine whose original inhabit-
and New Mexico signed ants were Abenaki people
similar measures last month. and honors them and their
Native American tribes ancestors."q