Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13

Thursday 16 February 2023 locAl

            History of fishing in Aruba

            ORANJESTAD — Fishing has  vaneta, Noord, Santa Cruz
            been  a  family  tradition  for  all had their fishermen’s vil-
            ages in Aruba. Our ances-    lages. At a rough estimate
            tors used to fish for a living.  there  were  about  a  hun-
            Even  though  nowadays  dred  small  fishing  boats
            you  don’t  see  them  often  during that time.
            we still have some passion-  The  Arubans  were  mainly
            ate fishermen on the island  engaged in coastal fishing,
            that  go  out  every  day  in  using rowing-boats or small
            search for fish to feed their  sailing-boats,  and  lines  or
            families and serve our local  dragnets  and  canisters  in
            market. One of these fisher-  shallow  water.  When  fish-
            man is Gregory Wernet.       ing with deep-sea lines just
                                         over the bottom of the sea
            The  so-called  Continental  the boat is kept in place by
            Bank  between  Aruba  and  means  of  a  piece  of  rock
            the opposite coast reaches  serving  as  an  anchor.  The
            a depth of about 650 feet.  two most important species
            The  sea  is  very  rich  in  fish  of fish by far caught in this
            here. Since the time of the  manner  are  the  pargo  or
            indigenous  native  people  red snappers and a variety                                                              line  tank,  lights  and  some
            fish and other sea creatures  of  groupers  like  the  mero,                                                        food  and  beverages.  For
            such  as  turtles,  octopus  jeanpao and the wowo di                                                                bait he uses sardines, squid
            squids,  conch  and  many  boyo.                                                                                    and  the  small  fish  known
            type  of  crustaceans  have  Cruising  off  the  coast  the                                                         in  Aruba  as  piskechi.  The
            formed  a  means  of  subsis-  Aruban  fisherman  patient-                                                          have  two  boats  they  use
            tence  for  the  native  Aru-  ly  waits  for  a  fish  willing  to                                                 for fishing. ‘Virgen del Valle’
            ban  inhabitants.  Especially  snap  at  the  bait  on  the                                                         which is parked at the pier
            along  the  west  coast  of  drag-line, in nets and traps.                                                          by  the  Seaport  and  ‘Pa-
            the island where the fishing  Veritable  giants  are  some-                                                         drot’  which  they  have  at
            grounds are settlements of  times  caught.  Barracudas                                                              home.
            fishermen.  Until  the  arrival  weigh from 9 to 44 pounds                                                          The  fish  they  catch  they
            of  the  oil  -industry  Aruban  and measure from 3 to al-                                                          take home to their families
            fishermen could supply Aru-  most  7  feet.  The  king-fish                                                         and they also sell it to their
            ba’s wants.                  has a weight from 22 to 44                                                             clients. Gregory is proud to
            As a source of income, how-  pounds;  the  moclat  may                                                              be a fisherman. It is a hon-
            ever, fishing did not amount  tip the scales at 155, whilst                                                         est  and  humble  job  but
            too much. In the beginning  garfish,  having  a  length  of                                                         with  it  he  is  able  to  feed
            of the 1900’s approximately  nine  feet,  weigh  over  132                                                          his family even during hard
            160 people earn their living  pounds.                                                                               times. It is a very dangerous
            in this branch of this indus-  Most  fish  caught  is  used                                                         job and you have to spend
            try.  Rancho,  which  stands  for their own consumption,                                                            many  hours  on  the  sea,
            for a shed, nowadays east  to  feed  their  families  and                                                           waiting  patiently  and  risk-
            Oranjestad,  was  the  head  some are being sold in the                                                             ing your life while fighting a
            quarter  and  remains  the  market to local restaurants.                                                            big fish and big waves but
            fishermen’s  settlement.  Sa-                             Fisherman Gregory Wernet     8 o’clock at night or even   the adrenaline it brings with
                                                                      Gregory  Wernet  is  a  well-  sometimes  from  8  at  night   it  but  also  just  sitting  there
                                                                      known fisherman from San-    till  5  in  the  morning.  The   listening to the sound of the
                                                                      ta  Cruz.  His  father  taught  day  before  they  prepare   waves  and  enjoying  the
                                                                      him  fishing  when  he  was  all their fishing tools such as   marvelous view that nature
                                                                      a  small  child.  Gregory  has  the Lines, lures, spears, and   has to offer is all worth it. q
                                                                      two  sons,  Jordan  and  Jor-  load their boat with fishing
                                                                      danny,  which  he  taught  reels, batteries, fill the gaso-        Source: Etnia Nativa
                                                                      fishing too, when they were
                                                                      only  3  years  old  and  he
                                                                      takes them fishing with him.
                                                                      Fishing  has  been  a  fam-
                                                                      ily tradition for quite a long
                                                                      time  and  even  his  grand-
                                                                      son  Willvion  of  7  years  old
                                                                      is following his grandfather
                                                                      steps.  This  is  the  sixth  gen-
                                                                      eration of fishermen in their
                                                                      They  go  deep  sea  fishing.
                                                                      There they catch red snap-
                                                                      per,  grouper  and  amber-
                                                                      jack.  They  usually  fish  for
                                                                      15  hours  a  day,  but  now
                                                                      due  to  the  covid-19  mea-
                                                                      surements  they  go  fishing
                                                                      from 5 in the morning until
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