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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 6 December 2021

                             Senate leader, presidential candidate Bob Dole dies at 98

            (AP)  —  Bob  Dole,  who  over-     mark  of  war.  Charging  a  German
            came  disabling  war  wounds  to  position  in  northern  Italy  in  1945,
            become  a  sharp-tongued  Senate  Dole was hit by a shell fragment that
            leader from Kansas, a Republican  crushed two vertebrae and paralyzed
            presidential candidate and then a  his arms and legs. The young Army
            symbol and celebrant of his dwin-   platoon  leader  spent  three  years  re-
            dling generation of World War II  covering in a hospital and never re-
            veterans, has died. He was 98.      gained use of his right hand.

            His wife, Elizabeth Dole, said in an  To  avoid  embarrassing  those  trying
            announcement posted on social me-   to shake his right hand, Dole always
            dia that he died early Sunday morn-  clutched a pen in it and reached out
            ing in his sleep.                   with his left.

            Dole  announced  in  February  2021  Dole could be merciless with his ri-
            that  he’d been diagnosed with stage  vals, whether Democrat or Republi-
            4  lung  cancer.  During  his  36-year  can. When George H.W. Bush defeat-
            career on Capitol Hill, Dole became  ed him in the 1988 New Hampshire
            one of the most influential legislators  Republican  primary,  Dole  snapped:
            and party leaders in the Senate, com-  “Stop lying about my record.” If that
            bining a talent for compromise with a  pales next to the scorching insults in
            caustic wit, which he often turned on  today’s political arena, it was shock-
            himself but didn’t hesitate to turn on  ing at the time.
            others, too.
                                                But  when  Bush  died  in  December
            He shaped tax policy, foreign policy,  2018, old rivalries were forgotten as
            farm  and  nutrition  programs  and  Dole  appeared  before  Bush’s  casket
            rights  for  the  disabled,  enshrining  in  the  Capitol  Rotunda.  As  an  aide
            protections against discrimination in  lifted him from his wheelchair, an ail-  and served as either majority or mi-  tributions to the nation, a Congres-
            employment,  education  and  public  ing and sorrowful Dole slowly stead-  nority  leader,  depending  on  which  sional Gold Medal. That came a de-
            services in the Americans with Dis-  ied himself and saluted his one-time  party was in charge, until he resigned  cade after he received the Presidential
            abilities Act.                      nemesis with his left hand, his chin  in 1996 to devote himself to pursuit  Medal of Freedom.
                                                quivering.                          of the presidency.
            Today’s accessible government offic-                                                                        Congress  honored  Dole  again  in
            es and national parks, sidewalk ramps  In a vice presidential debate two de-  That  campaign,  Dole’s  last,  was  2019 by promoting him from Army
            and the sign-language interpreters at  cades  earlier  with  Walter  Mondale,  fraught with problems from the start.  captain to colonel, in recognition of
            official local events are just some of  Dole  had  famously  and  audaciously  He ran out of money in the spring,  the military service that earned him
            the more visible hallmarks of his leg-  branded  all  of  America’s  wars  that  and Democratic ads painted the GOP  two Purple Hearts.
            acy and that of the fellow lawmakers  century  “Democrat  wars.”  Mondale  candidate  and  the  party’s  divisive
            he rounded up for that sweeping civil  shot back that Dole had just “richly  House  speaker,  Gingrich,  with  the  Robert  Joseph  Dole  was  born  July
            rights legislation 30 years ago.    earned  his  reputation  as  a  hatchet  same  brush:  as  Republicans  out  to  22, 1923, in Russell, a western Kan-
                                                man.”                               eliminate Medicare. Clinton won by  sas  farming  and  oil  community.  He
            Dole  devoted  his  later  years  to  the                               a large margin.                     was the eldest of four children. His
            cause of wounded veterans, their fall-  Dole  at  first  denied  saying  what  he                           father ran a cream and egg business
            en  comrades  at  Arlington  National  had just said on that very public stage,  He also faced questions about his age  and managed a grain elevator, and his
            Cemetery  and  remembrance  of  the  then backed down, and eventually ac-  because he was running for president  mother  sold  sewing  machines  and
            fading  generation  of  World  War  II  knowledged he’d gone too far. “I was  at  age  73  —  well  before  Biden  was  vacuum cleaners to help support the
            vets.                               supposed  to  go  for  the  jugular,”  he  elected  weeks  before  turning  78  in  family  during  the  Depression.  Dole
                                                said, “and I did — my own.”         2020.                               attended  the  University  of  Kansas
            Thousands of old soldiers massed on                                                                         for two years before enlisting in the
            the  National  Mall  in  2004  for  what  For all of his bare-knuckle ways, he  Relegated  to  private  life,  Dole  be-  Army in 1943.
            Dole,  speaking  at  the  dedication  of  was a deep believer in the Senate as  came an elder statesman who helped
            the  World  War  II  Memorial  there,  an  institution  and  commanded  re-  Clinton get a chemical-weapons trea-  Dole met Phyllis Holden, a therapist
            called “our final reunion.” He’d been  spect and even affection from many  ty passed. He also tended his wife’s  at a military hospital, as he was recov-
            a driving force in its creation.    Democrats. Just days after Dole an-  political  ambitions.  Elizabeth  Dole  ering from his war wounds in 1948.
                                                nounced  his  dire  cancer  diagnosis,  ran  unsuccessfully  for  the  Republi-  They were married and had a daugh-
            Long gone from Kansas, Dole made  President Joe Biden visited him at his  can presidential nomination in 2000,  ter, Robin. The couple would divorce
            his life in the capital, at the center of  home to wish him well. The White  then  served  a  term  as  senator  from  in 1972.
            power and then in its shadow upon  House said the two were close friends  North Carolina.
            his retirement, living all the while at  from their days in the Senate.                                     Dole began his political career while
            the storied Watergate complex. When                                     In 2016, Dole initially backed former  a  student  at  Washburn  University,
            he left politics and joined a law firm  Dole won a seat in Congress in 1960,  Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for the GOP  winning a seat in the Kansas House
            staffed by prominent Democrats, he  representing a western Kansas House  presidential  nomination.  He  later  of Representatives.
            joked that he brought his dog to work  district. He moved up to the Senate  warmed to Donald Trump and even-
            so he would have another Republican  eight years later when Republican in-  tually endorsed him.            He  met  his  second  wife,  Elizabeth
            to talk to.                         cumbent Frank Carlson retired.                                          Dole, while she was working for the
                                                                                    But six weeks after the 2020 election,  Nixon White House. She also served
            He tried three times to become presi-  There,  he  antagonized  his  Senate  with Trump still refusing to concede  on  the  Federal  Trade  Commission
            dent. The last was in 1996, when he  colleagues with fiercely partisan and  and promoting unfounded claims of  and  as  transportation  secretary  and
            won the Republican nomination only  sarcastic rhetoric, delivered at the be-  voter  fraud,  Dole  told  The  Kansas  labor secretary while Dole was in the
            to see President Bill Clinton reelect-  hest of President Richard Nixon. The  City Star, “The election is over.”  Senate. They married in 1975.
            ed. He sought his party’s presidential  Kansan was rewarded for his loyalty
            nomination  in  1980  and  1988  and  with the chairmanship of the Repub-  He  said:  “It’s  a  pretty  bitter  pill  for  Dole published a memoir about his
            was the 1976 GOP vice presidential  lican  National  Committee  in  1971,  Trump, but it’s a fact he lost.”  wartime  experiences  and  recovery,
            candidate  on  the  losing  ticket  with  before Nixon’s presidency collapsed                               “One Soldier’s Story,” in 2005. The
            President Gerald Ford.              in the Watergate scandal.           In  September  2017,  Congress  voted  Dole Institute of Politics on the Uni-
                                                                                    to award Dole its highest expression  versity of Kansas keeps an archive of
            Through  all  of  that  he  carried  the  Dole  became  Senate  leader  in  1985  of appreciation for distinguished con-  World War II veterans from Kansas.
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