Page 28 - MIN TTC 12 APRIL 2016
P. 28


   WORLD NEWSTuesday 12 April 2016

Venezuela’s cellphone providers suspend international calls 

HANNAH DREIER                 they would be cutting inter-  didn’t say when long dis-                                              ated what amount to subsi-      have said they are tens of
Associated Press              national service because      tance calling will resume.                                             dized rates for hard curren-    millions of dollars in debt to
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)       of issues related to Venezu-  Venezuelans will still be                                              cy and requires companies       foreign providers and have
— Venezuela’s two main        ela’s byzantine currency      able to make international                                             to get approval for con-        unsuccessfully asked the
cellphone service provid-     controls. Digitel ended that  calls from some landlines.                                             verting local bolivars into     government to increase
ers are suspending long dis-  service on Saturday while     Currency rationing is in-                                              dollars. With the administra-   rates for international calls.
tance calling as the South    Movistar will do so Friday.   creasingly cutting Venezu-                                             tion running low on dollars     Those rates have failed to
American country struggles    The companies had al-         ela’s global trade. Many                                               itself amid a general eco-      keep up with Venezuela’s
to pay its bills.             ready dramatically re-        airline companies have                                                 nomic collapse, officials       triple-digit inflation, with a
Movistar, a subsidiary of     duced the list of countries   abandoned the country,                                                 are increasingly reluctant      four-hour call to Hong Kong
the Spain-based Telefon-      Venezuelans could call.       and mail delivery is also lim-                                         to part with any foreign cur-   costing less than 50 cents
ica, and Digitel both an-     Movistar said the change      ited.                                                                  rency.                          at the black market ex-
nounced last week that        will be temporary, but        The government has cre-                                                The phone companies             change rate. q

Peru markets rally as runoff vote dominated by conservatives 

FRANKLIN BRICENO              President Alberto Fujimori    woman Veronika Men-                                                    The Lima stock exchange         one associated with the
Associated Press              and a conservative econo-     doza, who had made a                                                   surged more than 12 per-        former leader. Thousands
LIMA, Peru (AP) — Investors   mist beloved by Wall Street.  late surge in pre-election                                             cent Monday and the             took to the streets a week
are celebrating the appar-    With two-thirds of polling    polls, was in third at 17 per-                                         country’s currency also ral-    ago to warn that Keiko Fu-
ent elimination of a leftist  stations counted Monday,      cent.                                                                  lied. Two quick counts, a       jimori’s election could bring
candidate in Peru’s presi-    Keiko Fujimori had 39 per-    The partial results heart-                                             reliable gauge of results in    back authoritarian rule.
                                                                                                                                   past elections, also showed     But picking up the anti-
Presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori waves at supporters at a rally in Lima, Peru. Investors are                                  Kuczynski holding on firmly     Fujimori votes won’t be
celebrating the apparent elimination of a leftist candidate in Peru’s presidential elections as the                                to the No. 2 spot.              automatic, either. Just this
country gears up for a tight June runoff between Fujimori and a conservative economist beloved                                     Fujimori has been the run-      month, Kuczynski told US
by Wall Street.                                                                                                                    away favorite for months        television network Univision
                                                                                                                                   and looked poised to out-       that if elected, he would
                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Martin Mejia)  do even the most optimistic     sign a law allowing Alberto
                                                                                                                                   first-round scenarios in polls  Fujimori to go home to fin-
dential elections as the      cent of the vote, while for-  ened investors who had                                                 published before the vote.      ish a 25-year sentence for
country gears up for a tight  mer World Bank economist      dumped shares in the run-                                              But she faces an uphill bat-    corruption and authorizing
June runoff between the       Pedro Kuczynski held 24       up to Sunday’s election,                                               tle in the second round be-     death squads during his
daughter of jailed former     percent. Leftist congress-    fearing Mendoza’s rise.                                                cause her father remains        1990-2000 presidency.
                                                                                                                                   a deeply polarizing figure      Furthermore, he lacks the
                                                                                                                                   among Peruvians. A poll         well-oiled ground game
                                                                                                                                   taken in late March gave        of Fujimori’s Popular Force
                                                                                                                                   Kucyznki a slight lead in an    party, which won the larg-
                                                                                                                                   eventual head-to-head           est number of seats in
                                                                                                                                   contest between the two.        Congress. Kucyznki won in
                                                                                                                                   Alberto Fujimori is remem-      just one of Peru’s 24 elec-
                                                                                                                                   bered fondly by many,           toral districts, according
                                                                                                                                   especially in the long-ne-      to a quick count by local
                                                                                                                                   glected countryside, for        pollster Ipsos. With an elite
                                                                                                                                   defeating Maoist-inspired       pedigree, heavily accent-
                                                                                                                                   Shining Path rebels and         ed Spanish from more than
                                                                                                                                   taming hyperinflation. But      a decade living abroad
                                                                                                                                   he is detested by large seg-    — and until recently a U.S.
                                                                                                                                   ments of the urban middle       passport — he’ll also face
                                                                                                                                   class for human rights abus-    a hard time appealing to
                                                                                                                                   es and his order for the mili-  regular Peruvians in the
                                                                                                                                   tary to shut down Congress.     same way Keiko Fujimori
                                                                                                                                   Almost half of Peruvians re-    adroitly plays up her Japa-
                                                                                                                                   cently surveyed said they       nese ancestry to connect
                                                                                                                                   would never vote for any-       with Peru’s poor masses.q

Brazil congressional commission to vote on impeachment

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Ef-     day, for impeachment on       jections show the outcome                                              lower house, it goes to the     Michel Temer, who would
forts to remove Brazilian                                   too close to call. Brazil’s                                            Senate, which would de-         take over if Rousseff were
President Dilma Rousseff      allegations Rousseff violat-  biggest party, the Brazilian                                           cide whether to open a          suspended. The audio,
from office advanced                                        Democratic Movement                                                    trial.                          which the newspaper said
Monday, with a congres-       ed fiscal laws.               Party, or PMDB, pulled out                                                                             was sent to members of Te-
sional commission nearing                                   of Rousseff’s governing                                                 If that happens, Rousseff      mer’s PMDB party, appears
a vote on whether it should   However, the vote is largely  coalition late last month,                                             would be suspended from         to be a draft of an address
recommend impeach-                                          forcing the government                                                 office for up to 180 days       that Temer would make
ment to the full lower house  symbolic: Whatever the        to scramble to secure the                                              during a trial.                 to the Brazilian people if
of Congress.                                                support of other, smaller                                              In yet another twist in the     the impeachment process
The 65-member commis-         outcome, the measure will     parties to help block the                                              months-long saga, the Fol-      were to move forward fol-
sion is widely expected to                                  impeachment process.                                                   ha de S. Paulo newspaper        lowing a vote in the full
vote, as early as late Mon-   go to the full lower house    If the measure passes the                                              released the audio of an        Congress.q
                                                                                                                                   address by Vice President
                              for a crucial vote expected

                              at week’s end.

                              With 342 votes in the

                              513-member       Congress

                              needed for the process to

                              move forward, current pro-
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