P. 5

local sports A17
                                                                                                                                                                        Friday 23 March 2018

Riverplate receives the 2018 Cultural Prize from Playa Pabou

Oranjestad (Playa Pabou)                                                                   cer League decided that        And under the guidance
- The directors of the sports                                                              all teams to participate       of Mai Muduro with his wife,
center Playa Pabou held                                                                    had to become official         Sandra by his side River-
it prize for Aruban Culture                                                                club and register with the     plate has reached new
2018 and the award went                                                                    league to compete. Febru-      heights.
to Riverplate Sports Union of                                                              ary 1st, 1953 Riverplate was   1992 and 1997 Riverplate
Aruba. With a 66-year his-                                                                 officially founded.            becomes Division of Honor
tory of community service                                                                                                 Champions
Riverplate’s most important                                                                Dates to remember              Riverplate has been cham-
role has been keeping chil-                                                                In the course of its six de-   pion in the Aruba Soccer
dren out of trouble by way                                                                 cade history Riverplate has    League (Lifida) in every lev-
of sports.                                                                                 had some highlights:           el Division A, Division B, Mi-
                                                                                           1964 Eziikel Andrew cre-       nors, Majors ad Junior levels
An organization, a neigh-                                                                  ated teams to compete in       in both, Mens and Womens
borhood, and a group of                                                                    Lifida i the A and B classes.  soccer. With all the success
people with different ideas                                                                1980_Rudi Thomas stepped       on the field it pride remains
about improving the com-                                                                   down as the director after     in the fact it has helped the
munity, Riverplate has tried                                                               30 years and was replaced      youth of the communities
to help guide local youths                                                                 by Mario (Mai)Maduro.          surrounding Riverplate.q
from trouble and to help
them become upstanding,        A brief history of Riverplate  plate, actually started out
productive members of so-      Unofficially the club was      as Rio Platense given by
ciety.                         founded in 1951 by the Na-     Fabian Gnecco and later,
Riverplate is also soccer      thaniel Andrew, known as       it was loosely translated
club whose home field is       Nata, Luis Brito Pinedo, aslo  to Riverplate by Nata An-
Playa Pabou. It is the soul    known as Seeco and Rudi        drew.
of Riverplate’s existence      Thomas.The three came          And the name stuck.
with its heart being its re-   together in a room where       The team participated in
lationship and work within     Marlon’s Garage now            the very first champion-
the community, especially      stands. The name River-        ship under the name Riv-
the children in the neigh-                                    erplate but the Aruba Soc-
borhoods of Rancho, Soco-
toro, Madiki, Madiki Kavel y
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