Page 2 - RIU HOTEL
P. 2
LOCAL Friday 15 december 2017
Honeymooners Kelly and Derick are Bowled Over by Aruba
PALM BEACH - Sipping and wife and eternal love.
cocktails at Fishes & More
Restaurant, honeymooners Derick and Kelly came
Derick and Kelly are reliv- to popular Fishes & More
ing the wonderful details of Restaurant in the Arawak
the days they are spending Garden because it was
on Aruba. ``It is the most highly recommended. And
amazing island ever,’’ they a final comment of these
say. lovely people: ``Every-
one has been delightful -
This is the first time the new thank you.’’ We can’t get
couple from Rhode Island, enough of such glowing re-
USA, are on Aruba and views, so we think you need
they are loving every min- to come back to celebrate
ute of their vacation. They each wedding anniversary
ordered the tuna tartar and on Aruba.
beef carpaccio to go with For now many congratula-
their Martini’s and toasted tions and lots of happiness
to their future as husband together.q