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               Thursday 5 OcTOber 2017
            Tanja Ritterbex to Host Painting Workshop ‘Textile Hottie’

            ORANJESTAD - Go creative  her  painting  vivid  and  to
            under the guidance of the  provide it with new angles.
            latest  winner  of  the  Royal  We will also do that in the
            Dutch  Prize  for  Painting,  workshop  painting  ‘Textile
            Tanja Ritterbex, for a work-  Hottie’,  in  which  the  par-
            shop  painting.  Ateliers  ’89  ticipants  are  first  asked  to
            Academia  di  Bellas  Artes  make  a  simple  tapestry.
            Aruba  offers  the  workshop  The  image  that  this  yields
            for  a  month  long,  Monday  will  then  continue  in  the
            to  Thursday  at  6.30  to  9.30  workshop  as  a  basis  for
            pm.                          their  paintings.  In  this  way,
                                         the  participants  are  chal-
            The  workshop  is  the  first  lenged to step outside the
            part of a two-piece painter  fixed  frameworks  of  paint-
            workshops,  which,  under  ing  and  re-discover  paint-
            the title Back to Basics, re-  ing, taken by the hand by
            search  into  the  origin  of  the  very  painter  Tanja  Rit-
            painting.  These  workshops  terbex.

                                                                      clothes, high-heels, nail pol-  fashioned  dress,  while  her  (Zimbabwe)  and  Tel  Aviv
                                                                      ishes,  cosmetics.  Women  face  is  ruddy  and  goofy.  (Israel). Tanja received vari-
                                                                      are  depicted  in  their  do-  This  type  of  representa-  ous  prizes  for  her  work,  in-
                                                                      mestic realm, among ward-    tion  recalls  images  of  ‘stu-  cluding  the  Royal  Prize  for
                                                                      robes,  in  the  bathroom,  in  pid girls’ making ‘selfies’ in  Free  Painting  in  2016  that
                                                                      the private bedroom or do-   their room with their clothes  was handed to her by King
                                                                      ing their everyday activities  and  cosmetics  or  a  photo  Willem-Alexander. Her work
                                                                      – watching TV on a couch,  from  women’s  magazines.  has  been  purchased  by
                                                                      spending time with friends.  Whereas the sketchy draw-    museums  and  important
                                                                      The female landscape sur-    ing  It’s  me,  eating  naked  corporate  collections  and
                                                                      rounds  all  the  characters.  sushi is a self-portrait as well.  is frequently exhibited inter-
                                                                      It  is  apparent  in  the  paint-
                                                                      ing  Me  and  My  Room  in
                                                                      My Bad Hair Day, where in
                                                                      the center of the composi-
            are supported by the Prins                                tion there is a portrait of a
            Bernhard       Cultuurfonds  Female Landscape             girl (presumably of herself),
            Caribisch Gebied.            “If  I  could  use  only  two   showing her blond hair. She
            Although  Tanja  Ritterbex  is  words to describe my work   is  in  her  cluttered  room:
            a genuine painter, her work  I  would  say  it  is  a  ‘female   there is a hanger full of col-
            often  moves  at  a  cutting  landscape’  (tanjaritterbex.  orful, kitschy clothes, a shelf
            edge with other disciplines,  com)” This is how Ritterbex   with  nail  polishes,  boxes,
            such as sculpture and per-   describes  the  subject  of   a  candlestick  and  other
            formance. By doing so she  her paintings. Indeed, they    decorative  objects.  She  is
            constantly  knows  to  keep  are  full  of:  colorful,  girlish   wearing also a colorful, old-

                                                                                                   She is lying on the bed na-  nationally.
                                                                                                   ked,  showing  her  vagina.  This summer still in Brazil and
                                                                                                   There are lots of pillows and  before  her  visit  to  Aruba,
                                                                                                   some  sets  of  sushi  around  she  travels  to  Moscow  for
                                                                                                   her.  She  represents  herself  an  exhibition  of  her  work.
                                                                                                   in a private situation, in her  She  lives  and  is  currently
                                                                                                   room  again,  she  is  having  working in Berlin.
                                                                                                   relaxing time.               Because Tanja will guide all
                                                                                                                                participants  personally  on
                                                                                                   Painter’s Way                their  own  level,  the  work-
                                                                                                   Tanja Ritterbex studied the  shop  is  suitable  for  every-
                                                                                                   Academy  for  fine  arts  in  one;  advanced  painters
                                                                                                   Maastricht  till  2006,  after  and beginners.
                                                                                                   which  he  followed  further  To  enroll  you  can  send  an
                                                                                                   courses  at  the  renowned  e-mail to the director of the
                                                                                                   academy of Düsseldorf and  Ateliers  ’89  Academia  di
                                                                                                   at  Ateliers  in  Amsterdam.  Bellas Artes Aruba at elvis@
                                                                                                   She  is  frequently  asked  for or just call at
                                                                                                   residences, such as Harare  588-5776 / 565-4613.q
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