Page 15 - ATA
P. 15

                  Thursday 19 april 2018
            Heritage for Generations

            Continued from Page 13       tage.

            Inspire  Younger  Genera-    Following the dance work-
            tion                         shop  the  group  received
            After the tour they went to   a presentation from the di-
            the recently restored Nico-  rector  of  Monumentsfund
            laas  Store  building  where   Aruba,  Anne  Witsenburg
            they received a mini work-   about the foundation and
            shop  from  Rosea  Cultural   Aruban Monuments.
            Dance  Group  about  the
            traditional  ribbon  dance.   Also  during  the  bus  trip
            They  learned  that  the     Raquel Lampe entertained
            dance  is  originally  an  In-  the  participants  with  typi-
            dian  ritual  and  symbol  of   cal  Aruban  songs  to  give
            fertility.                   some attention to our mu-
            First they got a demonstra-  sic  and  language  Papia-
            tion  of  the  dance  on  tra-  mento.
            ditional  music  and  after-
            wards the participants got   With  this  cultural  expedi-
            the chance to perform the    tion  Monumentsfund  Aru-
            dance  on  modern  music.    ba  contributed  to  inspire
            This  is  to  give  them  an  ex-  the younger generation to
            ample how they, being the    learn  more  about  our  cul-
            younger  generation,  can    tural  heritage  so  they  can
            contribute to the develop-   also  help  us  preserve  the
            ment  of  our  cultural  heri-  past for the future. q

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                                                                                                   ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba  To-    Aruba To Me Is
                                                                                                   day  has  a  new  Facebook  We  would  also  like  to  por-
                                                                                                   page and website. We like  trait you! By inviting you to
                                                                                                   to welcome you to our on-    send  us  your  favorite  va-
                                                                                                   line community!              cation  picture  while  en-
                                                                                                                                joying  our  Happy  Island.
                                                                                                   The  cover  picture  of  the  Complete  the  sentence:
                                                                                                   Facebook  page  will  show  Aruba to me is …….  Send
                                                                                                   another  picture  of  a  lo-  your  picture  with  that  text
                                                                                                   cal  photographer  every  (including  your  name  and
                                                                                                   couple of months. We love  where  you  are  from)  to:
                                                                                                   culture and like to support
                                                                                                   our local talents, therefore  and  we  will  publish  your
                                                                                                   Aruba  Today  chooses  to  vacation     memory.    Isn’t
                                                                                                   be a platform for showcas-   that a special way to keep
                                                                                                   ing art.                     your  best  moments  alive?
                                                                                                   Photographer  Michael-An-    Please do note: By submit-
                                                                                                   thony Fowler took the new  ting photos, text or any oth-
                                                                                                   cover  picture  of  Aruba  er  materials,  you  give  per-
                                                                                                   Today’s  Facebook  page,  mission to The Aruba Today
                                                                                                   following  the  former  local  Newspaper,    Caribbean
                                                                                                   talent  that  shot  the  cover  Speed  Printers  and  any  of
                                                                                                   picture: Anuar Habibe. Mi-   its  affiliated  companies  to
                                                                                                   chael  is  a  multitalented  use  said  materials,  as  well
                                                                                                   photographer  who  shoots  as names, likeness, etc. for
                                                                                                   weddings and families, but  promotional purposes with-
                                                                                                   also  made  an  impressive  out compensation.
                                                                                                   series  of  drug/alcohol  ad-  Last but not least: our new
                                                                                                   dicts in the streets of Aruba.  website  is  live,  check  it
                                                                                                   He  has  a  creative  mind  out  please!  Thank  you  for
                                                                                                   with  always  a  social  twist.  supporting  our  free  news-
                                                                                                   His style is very natural and  paper,  we  strive  to  make
                                                                                                   pure.                        you a happy reader every
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