P. 23
CLASSIFIED Friday 17 November 2017
In Kentucky: dOCTOR ON dUTY
Gay-marriage opponent Davis still divides Dr. Sneek
Tel. 587 7100
San Nicolas
By ADAM BEAM On a recent chilly morn- TIME SHARE FOR RENT Dr. Every
Associated Press ing, a few men gath- Divi Phoenix Tel. 584 4484
MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) — The ered at restaurants for one bedroom 2 full bath room # EMERGENCIA 911
last place Lincoln Caudill breakfast scowled when 633 price $4500 for 2 weeks
expected to see his east- asked about Davis. Others call or text 215 9067397
ern Kentucky hometown laughed. Most would not e-mail
was on a television in a Phil- give their names. It was ________________________________208196
adelphia restaurant, yet the same story at a barber POLICE 100
there it was in the summer shop on Main Street and TIME SHARE FOR SALE ORANJESTAD 527-3140
Divi Phoenix
of 2015, flickering back at a drugstore with a throw- STA. CRUZ 527-2900
him from a newscast about back soda counter. Both one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
up to 6 people week 1 and 2
a defiant county clerk re- places were filled with POLICE TIPLINE 11141
fusing to issue marriage li- strong opinions, but no one have 37 weeks left price $37000 FIRE DEPT. 115
for 2 weeks
censes to gay couples. Rowan County Clerk Kim Da- harboring them was willing FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
The U.S. Supreme Court vis is seen in this Sept. 1, 2015 to share publicly. HOSPITAL 527-4000
or call 215 9067397 mrs Lydia
had just declared same- photo at the Rowan County “Everybody knows every- AMBULANCE 582-1234
sex marriage legal. But Courthouse in Morehead, Ky. body’s business,” said Mag- ________________________________208196 IMSAN 524-8833
(AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)
Kim Davis, the local clerk, gie Shire, who has lived in For Sale RED CROSS 582-2219
denied some gay couples vis announced last week Morehead for three years. Aruba Divi Phoenix
licenses because she said she would seek re-election “They know who is getting 1 br wk 46 and 47 room #934 Women in Difficulties
it violated her religious in 2018, facing the voters a divorce; they know who 35/10 weeks remain PHARMACY
beliefs to have her name for the first time since the is getting an inheritance. $10,000 each Oranjestad:
on them. For the next few controversy landed her in They know everything in Call:(297)630-1307 Central Tel. 585 8077
months, satellite trucks, jail, made her a martyr in this town.” San Nicolas
Bibles and bullhorns would the eyes of some and rang Unlike some small-town _________________________________208396 San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
dominate Morehead, Ken- up $220,000 in legal fees elections, voters here will We Know How To Sell
tucky, as it became the that could end up billable have a choice. The most Your Time Share in Aruba INFORMATION 118
focus of fierce national de- to Kentucky taxpayers. Her tantalizing matchup would 31 years exp your local time TAXI-TAS 587-5900
bate. lawyers have said she was be between Davis and Da- share experts PROF. TAXI 588-0035
Two years later, Caudill is unavailable for an inter- vid Ermold, a gay man who Free appraisal, no listings fee TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
back in Morehead, cam- view. was refused a license. A Call:(297) 630-1307 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
paigning for the county’s For some Morehead resi- video of his encounter with A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
top elected office and dents, news of Davis’ Davis shows him asking ________________________________208396 280-2828
trying to talk to as many re-election campaign her under whose author- CrUiSe SHiP
people as he can. But like signaled a return of argu- ity she was denying him.
many people in town, he ments among friends and When Davis replied, “un-
doesn’t want to talk about neighbors and the unwant- der God’s authority,” the
Davis. ed glare of the national quote appeared in head-
“I know she’s created a media.“There is going to lines across the country. November 17
europa 2
controversy in the county, be some fallout, just peo- Ermold has said he is con- November 18
and the farthest I can stay ple getting angry all over sidering a run against Da- Zuiderdam
from giving an opinion on again,” said Lois Hawkins, vis.Davis would ultimately Aruba Airport 524-2424
it, that’s what I plan to do,” a Morehead native who spend five days in jail for American Airlines 582-2700
he said. works as executive sec- refusing to obey a federal Avianca 588-0059
He might not be able to retary to the county’s top court order to issue the li- Aruba Airlines 583-8300
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