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KLM Aruba Marathon
                                                                                       May 27, 2022
                                                                                       T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                             Page 8
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
             States divided along partisan lines in response to shootings

            By  RACHEL  LA  CORTE  and  That's  because  they  are
            ANDREW DEMILLO               either  controlled  politically
            Associated Press             by  Republicans  who  op-
            OLYMPIA,  Wash.  (AP)  —  pose gun restrictions or are
            Washington  Gov.  Jay  In-   politically  divided,  leading
            slee  was  quick  to  react  to  to stalemate.
            this  week's  carnage  at  a  “Here  I  am  in  a  position
            Texas  elementary  school,  where I can do something,
            sending a tweet listing the  I can introduce legislation,
            gun  control  measures  the  and yet to know that it al-
            Democratic-controlled  most certainly is not going
            state has taken. He finished  to go anywhere is a feeling
            with: "Your turn Congress."  of  helplessness,”  said  state
            But  gun  control  measures  Sen. Greg Leding, a Demo-
            are  likely  going  nowhere  crat in the GOP-controlled
            in Congress, and they also  Arkansas  Legislature.  He
            have become increasingly  has  pushed  unsuccessfully
            scarce in most states. Aside  for red flag laws that would
            from  several  Democratic-   allow authorities to remove
            controlled  states,  the  ma-  firearms  from  those  deter-
            jority have taken no action  mined  to  be  a  danger  to
            on  gun  control  in  recent  themselves or others.       In this image from Senate Television, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, speak
            years  or  have  moved  ag-                               on the Senate floor, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at the Capitol in Washington.
            gressively  to  expand  gun       Continued on next page                                                                        Associated Press
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