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Wednesday 9 august 2017 LOCAL
Art in the Supermarket
demia di Bellas Artes Aru- By entering the super-
ba, Ateliers ’89, will present market you will literarily
the results of a photogra- bump into the creative
phy workshop this coming expressions of the photog-
Thursday evening. The lo- raphers. Under the guid-
cation of the exposition is ance of Venezuelan artist
very original as it takes the Daniel Benaim, ten partici-
art to the public instead of pants each created their
inviting the public to the own piece of Aart. You are
art. Yes, this Thursday you most welcome between 6
can do your shopping and and 9 pm at Ling & Sons.q
admire art at the same
time. Place to be: Ling &
Sons Supermarket.
‘Sustainability in Motion’ the Theme of Green Aruba 2017
PALM BEACH – Organizers Aruba Conference (GA- and 17th of November on what it takes to move ILEC. CARILEC, founded
of Green Aruba recently VIII), which will be held 2017. This year’s theme is from talking about sustain- in 1989, is the leading as-
announced details of the at the Hilton Aruba Carib- “Sustainability in Motion”, ability to actually doing sociation of electric utili-
8th edition of the Green bean Resort on the 16th which captures the focus things in a more sustain- ties and industry partners
able manner. in the Caribbean with
currently 106 members.
Conferences on sustain- It focuses on electric util-
ability often center them- ity advocacy, growth and
selves around the Why of sustainability in the Carib-
sustainability (concern ori- bean region, Central and
ented), or the What (inno- South Americas.
vation oriented). Together, Green Aruba
Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort) GAVIII distinguishes itself and CARILEC will enable
FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL from other conferences by more opportunities for the
HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES. also focusing on the How conference participants
CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION of sustainability (best prac- to engage in moving sus-
tices of Aruba and other tainability forward by pro-
LIVE POKER nations). viding valuable insights
Since 2010, Green Aruba into how the evolution of
the electric utility sector
has served as an excep-
GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS tional platform to deliver will affect us all.
premium informational ex-
perience on how to reach Visit
1-2.....2-5......5-5 1-3.....2-5......5-5 full sustainability, through for more information.q
$100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR best practices and inno- Like us on
OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES Most importantly, this con-
ference has made it pos-
CRAPS sible for other countries, in- Facebook
ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS stitutions and experts from
all over the world to share
valuable information,
knowledge, experiences
SPORTSBOOK and best practices.
LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS In the context of creating
sustainable partnerships,
THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS this year the Green Aruba
will host the conference in
collaboration with CAR-