Page 15 - HOSPITAAL 19 JUNE 2017
P. 15

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 19 June 2017
             Shoppers fixated with discounts pose woes for stores                                                                 dOCTOR ON dUTY
                                                                                                                                         Dr. J. Dassen
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 583 1822
                                                                      stores play.”                Amazon  is  poised  to  sur-            San Nicolas
                                                                      The cycle feeds itself. Peo-  pass  Macy’s  this  year  as          Dr. R.H.Luchumun
                                                                      ple  got  used  to  getting  the largest U.S. clothing sell-        Tel. 584 0299
                                                                      great  deals,  retailers  who  er, according to Cowen &      EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                      tried  to  raise  prices  saw  Co. analysts. They forecast
                                                                      sales  suffer,  and  shoppers  that Amazon’s share of the
                                                                      got  more  bargains.  More-  U.S. clothing market will in-
                                                                      over, as shoppers gravitate  crease  from  6.6  percent
                                                                      toward  services  or  experi-  last year to 16.2 percent by   POLICE       100
                                                                      ences,  demand  for  stuff  2021 as it gains more Prime   ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                      like clothing has waned —  members and increases its      NOORD            527-3200
                                                                      meaning  stores  have  an  clothing selection.            STA. CRUZ        527-2900
                                                                      even  harder  time  raising  And  in  the  meantime,  U.S.   SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                      prices.                      retailers  are  facing  new   POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                                                                                FIRE DEPT.
                                                                      Department     store   and  competition from low-price    FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
                                                                      mall-based  clothing  re-    international  rivals,  includ-  HOSPITAL      527-4000
                                                                      tailers  have  wrestled  with   ing  the  Primark  chain  that   DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
                                                                      the  biggest  challenges.    has  started  opening  stores   AMBULANCE      582-1234
                                                                      Even  luxury  names  like  Mi-  in  the  Eastern  U.S.  It  offers   IMSAN        524-8833
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                      chael Kors and Ralph Lau-    jeans as low as $7 and tops
                                                                      ren  have  struggled  to  get   for $4.                        PHARMACY
                                                                      shoppers  to  buy  without   This all means retailers actu-  Oranjestad:
                                                                      discounts.  And  experts  ex-  ally have less ability to raise   Eagle Tel. 587 9011
                                                                      pect  the  discounting  to   prices now than during the   San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
                                                                      increase  as  Amazon  be-    recession,  says  Michael  P.
                                                                      comes  more  aggressive  in
                                                                      clothing sales.              Niemira,  chief  economist   INFORMATION   118
                                                                      Amazon  has  made  a  big    at  The  Retail  Economist   TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            This  photo  shows  discounted  merchandise  displayed  on  a   push to expand its offerings   LLC,  based  on  an  analysis   PROF. TAXI   588-0035
            smartphone using the Hafta Have app, in New York. Shoppers   under  private  labels  like   of government data.     TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
            who got addicted to sales and deals during the Great Reces-  Lark & Ro designed to be as   Lyst, an online fashion plat-  SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            sion now have more tools to cross-check prices and are find-                           form,  said  that  30  percent   A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            ing a surplus of goods online. An ever-growing number of apps,   stylish  as  recognizable  na-                                        280-2828
            websites and browser extensions will search for shipping deals,   tional  brands.  So  shoppers   of  orders  on  the  site  last   CRuISe SHIP
            sales and coupons.                                        looking  for  a  skirt  or  pants   year  included  a  discount,
                                                          (AP Photo)  are  automatically  shown    up from 23 percent in 2014.
                                                                      that brand compared to a     And  First  Insight,  which
            By ANNE D’INNOCENZIO         counts to rid themselves of   well-known label.           helps  retailers  price  new
            AP Retail Writer             mounds  of  merchandise      A  Lark  &  Ro  skirt  could  be   items,  says  its  tests  have
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Shop-    after  consumer  spending    50 percent below a similar   found  about  8  percent               June 14
            pers  who  got  addicted  to  tanked.  But  even  as  the   item from a national brand,   of  products  over  the  past   adventure of the Seas
            sales during the last reces-  economy  has  perked  up,   says  Michelle  Ai,  manager   three quarters could sell for     Carnival Splendor
            sion  have  more  tools  than  Americans  haven’t  let  go   of  marketing  at  Boomer-  full  price  or  higher.  That’s      Zenith
            ever  to  cross-check  prices  of the search for deals.   ang  Commerce,  a  startup   down from the 11 percent
            and  find  bargains,  creat-  “We’ve  conditioned  con-   that helps retailers use data   average over the last sev-  Aruba Airport   524-2424
            ing a race to the bottom —  sumers  especially  coming    to make price adjustments.   eral years.                  American Airlines 582-2700
            particularly on clothes.     out of the recession for pro-                                                          Avianca       588-0059
                                                                                                                                Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            While retailers are trying to  motions  and  discounting,”                                                          Jet Blue      588-2244
            offer  more  exclusive  prod-  said  Jack  Kleinhenz,  chief                                                        Surinam       582-7896
            ucts  and  improve  the  ex-  economist  at  the  National                                                          Venezolana    583-7674
            perience shoppers have in  Retail    Federation  trade                                                              Aruba Foundation
            stores,  online  leader  Ama-  group.                                                                               For those Visually Incapasitated
            zon  is  expanding  quickly  Shoppers  have  time  and                                                              Tel. 582-5051
            into   apparel,   creating  technology  on  their  side.                                                            AL-ANON group
            more  discounting  wars.  An       ever-growing   num-                                                              Sabana Liber #8, Noord
            Off-price  stores  and  new  ber  of  apps,  websites  and                                                          Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            discount  chains  keep  the  browser    extensions   will                                                           FUNDACIONS
            pressure on.                 search  for  shipping  deals,                                                          Respetami
            “There  is  not  a  lot  that  I  sales and coupons. And for                                                        Tel. 582-4433
            would  pay  full  price  for,”  some  shoppers,  there’s  a                                                         Centro Diabetic Arubano
            said  Sara  Scoggins,  a  thrill in outwitting the stores.                                                          Tel. 524-8888
            30-year-old  Los  Angeles  Marc Phillips, 26, who works
            resident who uses apps like  in  digital  strategies  and                                                           Narcotics Anonymous
            Hafta  Have  for  scanning  lives  in  Manhattan,  says                                                             Tel. 583-8989
            items  and  tracking  deals  he  mostly  buys  clothes  at                                                          QUOTA Club
            and  Honey  for  coupons  the end of the season and                                                                 Tel. 525-2672
            and  promo  codes.  “There  shops  at  outlets  like  Nord-
            is always a deal. You are a  strom Rack.                                                                            Women in Difficulties
            sucker not to get a deal.”   “I  have  found  some  nice                                                            Foundation
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400
            The  bargain-hunting  start-  deals,  like  nice  designer
            ed  in  earnest  during  the  names,” he said. “I consid-                                                           Bloodbank Aruba
            Great  Recession,  when  er myself brand-savvy and                                                                  Tel. 587-0002
            stores   plied    shoppers  price-savvy.  I  understand
            with  discounts  upon  dis-  the  types  of  tricks  that
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