Page 48 - min.ttc 12 jan,2016
P. 48


  LOCALTuesday 12 January 2016

Tedx Aruba Update:

 Fingerprint Life Presents “Global Purpose Day: A Space For Purpose”

Dwayne Heronimo               stage conversations and        however, within a week         level of embodiment.             ing the embodiment of pur-
ORANJESTAD - When Van-        interactions with her Tedx                                    On January 29th, Finger-         pose, and Day Schildkret
essa Benlolo emerged from     colleagues was an under-       she connected with fellow      print Life will present, “Glob-  — artist and Purpose Guide
Tedx Aruba to give her talk,  lying essential theme: pur-                                   al Purpose Day: A Space          will lead you through pur-
“Livestreaming Is Collec-     pose had been the crucial      Purpose Guide colleague        for Purpose”, to celebrate       pose as legacy. The event
tive,” what she witnessed     element in the transforma-                                    the first annual day for Pur-    will be Livestreamed so that
catalyzed the launch of       tion arcs showcased that       Oscar Medina, who was          pose, and the launch of          people from all around the
her social entrepreneur-      week on the Tedx stage.
ship venture — FingerPrint    Later, in a conversation with  working on producing an        the 21 Day Purpose Chal-         globe can witness and par-
Life. During the Tedx Aruba   Arda Zakarian at the event                                    lenge — a free online pur-       ticipate in the transforma-
sessions she was continu-     — close friend and reporter    event around Purpose, and      pose discovery and com-          tion — as it’s happening.
ally struck by the dynamic    who covers Tedx events in                                     munity platform. The event       There will be riveting talks,
and innovative speakers       Toronto — Arda noted in re-    a dialogue was sparked. A      is an immersive, multi-di-       interactive workshops, and
and their insights into hu-   lation to the stage art-work,                                 mensional journey that fol-      a panel discussion along
man psychology, sustain-      and the music that Tedx        kinship was soon               lows the process of purpose      with a gallery of imperma-
ability, technology, and      Aruba was more than an                                        as it unfolds in three distinct  nent art pieces, live music,
economics. From the work      evening of talks, it was an    formed around an               phases: discovery, embodi-       and expressive movement.
of Arnaud Collery on hap-     “experience”. Something                                       ment, and legacy. Bran-          It will be a magical night
piness, Joseph Simcox and     clicked. Vanessa was in the    alignment in vision            don Peele, founder of Plan-      to celebrate the inaugu-
the agricultural revolution,  midst of finishing a Purpose                        , will provide      ration of the 1st annual
Maite Hontele on following    Guide certification when       and values and                 tools in the process of pur-     Global Purpose Day — and
your passion, Rachel Bra-     Brandon Peele — leader of                                     pose discovery — Gino Pas-       a unique experience for
then’s reflections on social  the program — asked her        FingerPrint Life was           tori-Ng, social entrepreneur     the emergent discovery
media, and Varelie Croes      to consider creating a Tedx                                   and Co-Founder of Youth          and the re-imagining of our
— thought leader with         event centered around the      born.                          Impact Hub, will be model-       lives.q
perspectives on the new       theme of Purpose. The idea
economy. What surfaced        seemed good but there          FingerPrint Life
from all the talks, back-     were logistical hurdles,
                                                             is now an event

                                                             curation and cre-

                                                             ative consulting

                                                             agency that leads

                                                             people to discover

                                                             and embody their

                                                             purpose through

                                                             events, inspired by

                                                             Tedx Aruba — with

                                                             a multi-imaginal

                                                             approach to the

                                                             event  experi-

                                                             ence. It is a project that

                                                             re-envisions the limits of

                                                             self-awareness and growth

                                                             possibilities that can be ex-

                                                             perienced in an immersive

                                                             group setting. FingerPrint

                                                             Life takes a whole systems

                                                             approach to Purpose, by

                                                             integrating the expressive

                                                             arts, mindfulness, nature,

                                                             technology and commu-

                                                             nity in conjunction with in-

                                                             novative speaker talks to

                                                             deliver more than an intel-

                                                             lectual experience — they

                                                             are designed to transform

                                                             the participant at a deep
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