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Tuesday 26 april 2022 locAl

            Aruba Airport Authority N.V. and Wings of Hope contributing to

            Earth Day 2022

                                                                      ORANJESTAD - Aruba Airport Authority N.V.  which  was  officially  inaugurated  on  April
                                                                      (AAA) and Wings of Hope (WoH) are proud  22, 2022. This program entails the cultiva-
                                                                      to be contributing to the Aruban Commu-    tion of native and endemic flora species,
                                                                      nityon Earth Day 2022.                     that in the future will be plantedin a closed
                                                                                                                 off  botanical  garden  network,  which  will
                                                                      Today  marks  the  52nd  annual  Earth  Day  be  created  and  maintained  by  FPNA  to
                                                                      and is recognized as a day to shed light  serve  as  haven  for  local  flora  and  fauna
                                                                      on the ongoing and emerging global envi-   and as an example of sustainable garden-
                                                                      ronmental concerns and the importance  ing practices.
                                                                      of  change  in  human  behavior  and  how
                                                                      everyone can contribute towards protect-   As part of WoH’s Environment/Sustainable
                                                                      ing  the  environment.  Sustainability  is  one  Airport  Community  goal,  WoH  organized
                                                                      of AAA’s strategic pillars being a guiding  a  beach  cleanup  on  Saturday  April  23,
                                                                      principle  for  the  company.  The  United  2022in the morning together with Scrubble
                                                                      Nations’  Sustainable  Development  Goals  Bubbles  with  more  than  75  participants
                                                                      (SDGs)  are  anchored  in  the  purpose,  vi-  from the Airport Community, Grupo Scout
                                                                      sion, values, and strategies of the organi-  Ora  Ubao,  family  members  and  friends
                                                                      zation.                                    who  helped  clean  the  area  at  Rincon
                                                                                                                 Beach. AAA would like to especially thank
                                                                      This year’s Earth Day theme is “Invest ino-  ABC Project Venture for providing a large
                                                                      ur  Planet”  and  based  on  SDG  15  Life  on  waste  container  at  the  location  where
                                                                      Land,  AAA  is  proudly  contributing  to  the  participants  were  able  to  dispose  of  the
                                                                      environment  through  two  very  important  waste collected.
                                                                      projects. AAA has partnered up with Fun-
                                                                      dacion  Parke  Nacional  Aruba  (FPNA)  for  AAA  hopes  to  positively  influence  other
                                                                      thedevelopment of their “Cas di Cultivo”,  companies  to  also  take  steps  towards
                                                                      an  integral  part  of  their  Flora  Biodiversity  making  a  difference  in  the  Aruban
                                                                      Enhancement & Climate Resilient Program  Community.q

            Honoring of loyal visitors at Divi Phoenix Resort

            EAGLE BEACH  -  Recently, Aruba
            Tourism  Authority  representative  The  symbolic  honorary  title  is  pre-
            Mr.  Jonathan  Boekhoudt  had  the  sented on behalf of the Minister of
            great  pleasure  in  honoring  many  Tourism,  as  a  token  of  apprecia-
            loyal  Aruba  visitors  with  their  dis-  tion  to  the  guests  who  visit  Aruba
            tinctive  certificates.  These  cer-  between the 10-20-35 consecutive
            tificates are a way to say “Masha  years mark.
            Danki”  for  continuously  choosing
            Aruba as a favorite vacation des-   The  honorees  love  coming  to  the
            tination. The titles are as following:  island for its friendly people, sandy
            10+  years  “Distinguished  Visitor”,  beaches, great weather and safe-
            20+ years “Goodwill Ambassador”  ty.
            and 36+ years “Emerald Ambassa-
            dor”.                               Boekhoudt  together  with  the  rep-
                                                resentatives of Divi Phoenix Resort
            For  today,  the  honorees  are  Ed-  presented  the  certificates  to  the
            ward  and  Karen  Davis  from  Kan-  honorees,  and  thanked  them  for
            sas,  USA,  and  Alfred  and  Sandra  choosing  Aruba  as  their  favorite
            Pepin from Connecticut, USA, who  vacation  destination  and  as  their
            have  been  honored  as  Goodwill  home-away-from-home         for   so
            Ambassadors.                        many years.q
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