P. 31

                     Tuesday 6 June 2017

                   Goodwill Ambassador Honored at Costa Linda Beach Resort!

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently  celebrating  his  23rd  con-
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  secutive  annual  visit  to
            ity had the great pleasure  Aruba!
            of honoring a very special  William  is  a  regular  guest
            guest  who  is  a  loyal  and  of  the  Costa  Linda  Beach
            friendly  visitor  of  Aruba  as  Resort and he loves Aruba
            a  Goodwill  Ambassador  very much because of the
            at  the  Costa  Linda  Beach  weather,  the  restaurants,
            Resort.  The  symbolic  hon-  the friendliness of the peo-
            orary  title  is  presented  in  ple,  and  just  about  every-
            the name of the Minister of  thing else!
            Tourism  as  a  token  of  ap-  He  says  that  being  on   presented  by  Ms.  Marous-
            preciation  to  guests  who  Aruba  and  staying  at  the   ka  Heyliger  representing
            visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con-  Costa  Linda  Beach  Resort   the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-
            secutive years.              is like being at his vacation   ity  together  with  associ-
            The  honoree  was  Mr.  Wil-  ‘home-away-from-home.’      ates from the Costa Linda
            liam  Golubinski  of  Florida,  The  official  certificate  was   Beach Resort.

                Loyal Guest Honored

                 at the Casa del Mar

                        Beach Resort!

            EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had
            the great pleasure of honoring a very special guest who
            is a loyal and friendly visitor of Aruba as a Goodwill Am-
            bassador at the Casa del Mar Beach Resort. The symbolic
            honorary title is presented in the name of the Minister of
            Tourism as a token of appreciation to guests who visit Aru-
            ba for 20-to-34 consecutive years.
            The honoree was Mr. John L. Sullivan Sr., celebrating his
            22  consecutive annual visit to Aruba!
            John is a regular guest of the Casa del Mar Beach Resort
            and he loves Aruba very much because of the weather,
            the  restaurants,  the  friendliness  of  the  people,  and  just
            about everything else!
            He  says  that  being  on  Aruba  and  staying  at  the  Casa
            del Mar Beach Resort is like being at his vacation ‘home-
            The certificate was presented by Ms. Emely Ridderstaat
            representing  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  together  with
            General Manager Mr. Bob Curtis and Ms. Shahaira Morris
            from the Casa del Mar Beach Resort.
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