Page 16 - HOH
P. 16
Tuesday 4 February 2025 locAl
The power of Aruba
By Antoinette DeWit
Each time I return from time for at my main home
Aruba, my Island paradise base. Now my sister and
in the southern Caribbean brother in law have bought
Sea, I think about what in, their adult children have
draws me back year after experienced it, and we en-
year and sometimes a few joy being there together at
times a year. least one visit per year.
I asked Siri, one day, to tell The Island is small — maybe
me how far Aruba is from 15 km x 8 km, and houses
my home base in British about 100,000 people. It is
Columbia Canada. She independent but part of
says she thinks it’s about the Dutch Antilles. The offi-
6,300 kilometers. When she cial government language
added the words “I think”, is Dutch; but, the official
I smiled and asked how local language is Papia-
long it takes to fly there. I mento and I’ve even taken
expected her to say “does lessons.
it really matter?” Be it near or far … for me
Turns out the distance and — it’s never far and always
the time doesn’t really mat- near. Whether I am here or
ter at all to anyone I know there, going there or com-
who has gone there more ing back here, I close my
than once. There is a mystic to please and welcome to join them there for a a magnetic force, ener- eyes and see it; I reach out
about the place. It’s small, people from around the vacation. I kept saying no, gizing, uplifting, relaxing. I my arms and feel it; I breath
quaint, clean. It’s a tour- world. Every effort is made no and no. It seemed so ri- now just have to go there in the air and smell it; I put
ist destination for fabulous to share the citizens’ pride diculously far to go and no and it has comfortably be- my ear to a conch and
beaches, purified, fresh of the Island and all it has matter how hard they tried, come my home away from hear those subtle waves.
drinking water, excellent to offer, and every citizen nobody in the family took home. Peaceful. Calming. And, to use the fifth sense
weather, quality accom- knows how important the them up on their offer. Beautiful. of taste metaphorically, as
modations, attractions, ac- tourists are to their econo- But, alas, I finally gave in. a delicacy, the Island radi-
tivities of all sorts and local my and future wellbeing. I was hooked right away! Over the years I have be- ates the delicious taste of
as well as international din- And, I have been going friended some locals who mystic, magic and memo-
ing. The government knows I started going there about back every single year, proudly show me very in- ries — pleasant, powerful,
that. The businesses know thirty years ago after many sometimes as many as four teresting nooks and cran- peaceful; truly unmatch-
that. The citizens know efforts by my now de- times a year. The place has nies, or introduce me to ac- able and truly my paradise
that. Every effort is made ceased parents to get me become somewhat like tivities I’d likely never make on earth.q
Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our “Dorado”
(Oranjestad)—If you’re ample, comes from Hawaii body. It has a large tail and
ever planning on snorkel- and means "very strong". its long, flat body ends in a
ing during your vacation on Dorado is based on Span- large blunt head. Its color
Aruba, you may spot fish ish and refers to the golden of yellow and green or blue
that you can’t recognize. yellow color that the fish makes it immediately rec-
One of these may be the shines with under the sun. ognizable, even with small
“Dorado”, a common fish Why it's called Dolphinfish variations in these colors.
that swims all year long in in English is not well defined
the waters of Aruba. Here’s and while there are several Dorado has clear differ-
some information about the stories around this, none ences between adult fe-
beloved Dorado. have been confirmed. males and males. The male
is larger and can easily
Dorado has many different Dorado is found in all tropi- reach 50 to 80 pounds and
names it can be referred cal to subtropical oceans has a much flatter head
to. Dral, Dorao, Drals, Dra- around the world. Dorado compared to the female.
do, are some of them in is very popular both for Therefore, male Dorados
Papiamento. In English, it recreational fishing and for are also called "bull Dora-
is also called Mahi Mahi, consumption. It is known do".
Dolphinfish, or Dorado. among fishermen as an to a maximum of 5 years al- ing objects on the sea. Of-
It's a good example to re- exciting catch and a fish though very few reach that ten you will find a group Dorado can be found in our
flect on why there can be that puts up a good fight. age. Most become adults landing together and if you waters around the island all
many names. The same Its meat is very good for within 1 year but many be- keep a male on the line, of- year round, but there are
fish becomes known by consumption and it is also come reproductive after ten the others will stay close periods when it is easier to
different common names, commercially fished for just 5 or 6 months and re- or can keep the group in- find than others. q
why? Common names that reason. produce very quickly too. terested by giving shrimp or
come only when a group They live in open water on squid. Source: The Department of
of people, to understand They grow very fast, up to the surface most of the Agriculture, Livestock, and
each other, assign a name 2.7 inches (almost 7 cm) time. Many fish seek them Description: Fisheries (Santa Rosa).
to a fish. Mahi Mahi, for ex- per week. They can live up around sushi lines or float- Dorado has a distinctive