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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 30 January 2023

            Puerto Rico’s southern region fights for cleaner air, water

            By DÁNICA COTO                                                                         land’s  largest  thermoelec-
            Associated Press                                                                       tric plants and other indus-
            SALINAS,  Puerto  Rico  (AP)                                                           tries, including a company
            —  Shuttered  windows  are                                                             that  produces  thermoset
            a  permanent  fixture  in  Sa-                                                         composites,   a   material
            linas, an industrial town on                                                           used  in  major  appliances
            Puerto  Rico’s  southeast                                                              like refrigerators. That com-
            coast  that  is  considered                                                            pany, IDI Caribe Inc., is the
            one  of  the  U.S.  territory’s                                                        facility  that  releases  the
            most    contaminated    re-                                                            most  emissions  in  Salinas,
            gions.                                                                                 according to the EPA.
            For  years,  toxic  ash  and                                                           Overall,  styrene  and  eth-
            noxious  chemicals  from                                                               ylene  oxide,  a  carcino-
            coal-fired and thermoelec-                                                             genic gas, are the top two
            tric power plants have en-                                                             chemicals  released  into
            veloped  this  community,                                                              the air and water in Salinas,
            and  residents  have  com-   A resident of Salinas, considered one of the most contaminated   officials  say.  Salinas  and
            plained about health prob-   towns in Puerto Rico, waits for a meeting with U.S. Environmental   Guayama  also  have  sulfur
            lems  ranging  from  cancer   Protection Agency officials to start, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023 in   dioxide levels that exceed
                                         Salinas, Puerto Rico.
            to Alzheimer’s.                                                (AP Photo/Danica Coto).  new standards.
            Then  last  year,  a  bomb-                                                            Meanwhile,  a  study  by
            shell:  Officials  with  the  U.S.  Salinas also has one of the  tion has prompted the EPA  Puerto Rico’s Chemistry As-
            Environmental    Protection  highest  incidence  rates  of  for  the  first  time  to  test  air  sociation  published  in  late
            Agency traveled to Salinas  cancer in Puerto Rico, with  and groundwater in Puerto  2021 found the presence of
            to announce that the town  140 cases reported in 2019,  Rico’s  southeast  region,  heavy metals linked to coal
            also has one of the highest  the  newest  figures  avail-  with  Administrator  Michael  in potable water in Salinas.
            concentrations of ethylene  able from the island’s Cen-   Regan  saying  that  low-    The amounts found did not
            oxide,  a  cancer-causing  tral Registry of Cancer. Sali-  income  communities  and  exceed regulatory limits.
            gas, in a U.S. jurisdiction.  nas has a higher rate than  communities of color have  Scientists  doing  that  study
            Puerto Rico ranks 22nd out  the  neighboring  town  of  suffered  unjustly  for  de-   were forced to collect sam-
            of  56  U.S.  states  and  terri-  Guayama, where cases of  cades.                     ples from individual homes
            tories based on total man-   cancer  and  other  diseas-  Salinas  is  a  town  of  nearly  because the government’s
            aged  waste  released  per  es  have  increased  since  26,000  people  —  of  which  water and sewer company
            square  mile,  at  4.2  million  the  coal-fired  power  plant  28%  identify  as  Black  —  at the time blocked access
            pounds.  Six  of  the  top  10  began  operating  there  in  with  a  median  household  to aquifers that residents in
            municipalities  in  that  cat-  2002, said Dr. Gerson Jimé-  income  of  $18,000  a  year.  the  southeast  rely  on,  en-
            egory  are  in  Puerto  Rico’s  nez,  director  of  the  Meno-  More than half of its popu-  vironmental  activist  Víctor
            southern  region,  with  Sali-  nite Hospital who has testi-  lation is poor, according to  Alvarado  said.  Since  then,
            nas ranked sixth, according  fied in public hearings and  the U.S. Census Bureau.      legislators  have  approved
            to data obtained from the  called for the closure of the  The  town  is  nestled  be-  a  law  that  requires  the
            EPA’s Toxics Release Inven-  plant.                       tween  the  coal-burning  company  to  provide  ac-
            tory.                        The  level  of  contamina-   power plant, two of the is-  cess for testing.q

            UK leader fires party chairman over tax bill allegations

            By Mike Fuller and Jill Law-  In a letter to Zahawi, Sunak
            less                         said he had been forced to
            Associated Press             act to keep his promise that
            LONDON  (AP)  —  British  his  government  “would
            Prime  Minister  Rishi  Sunak  have integrity, professional-
            fired  the  chairman  of  the  ism  and  accountability  at
            governing     Conservative  every level.”
            Party on Sunday for a “seri-  In  his  response  to  Sunak,
            ous breach” of ethics rules  Zahawi  pledged  to  sup-
            in  failing  to  come  clean  port  the  prime  minister  as
            about a tax dispute.         a  backbench  lawmaker
            Sunak  had  faced  days  of  and  made  no  reference
            pressure  to  sack  Nadhim  to the ethics inquiry. He at-
            Zahawi amid allegations he  tacked the media — which
            settled  a  multimillion-dollar  first revealed his whopping
            unpaid tax bill while he was  tax bill, reported at almost   Conservative  Party  chairman  Nadhim  Zahawi  leaves  the
            in  charge  of  the  country’s  5  million  pounds  ($6.2  mil-  Conservative Party head office in Westminster, central London,
            Treasury.                    lion) — and claimed some     Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2023.
            The  prime  minister  act-   reporting  did  not  reflect                              (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)
            ed    after   a   standards  “legitimate scrutiny of pub-  tive  Party  chairman  when  in  shares  in  YouGov,  an
            probe  found  Zahawi  had  lic officials.”                Sunak  took  office  in  Octo-  opinion  polling  firm  he  co-
            breached  the  ministerial  Zahawi  headed  the  U.K.  ber.                            founded. The probe began
            code  of  conduct.  It  said  Treasury  from  July  to  Sep-  The  investigation  into  Za-  in  April  2021,  but  Zahawi
            he  had  failed  to  disclose  tember  2022  in  the  final  hawi  by  HMRC,  the  U.K’s  did not declare it when he
            details  of  his  dispute  with  months  of  Prime  Minister  tax office, centered around  was  appointed  Chancel-
            tax authorities and the fact  Boris Johnson’s tenure, and  the  sale  of  some  27  mil-  lor  of  the  Exchequer  more
            that he had paid a penalty.  was  appointed  Conserva-    lion  pounds  ($33.4  million)  than a year later. q
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