Page 24 - ATA
P. 24
Thursday 8 March 2018
Biggest volunteer event on Aruba is on:
Do What Needs To Be Done
Continued from Page 13
ARUBA DOET helps to im-
prove the image of vol-
unteering and shows how
much fun it can be. In
Aruba more than 3,600
volunteers were active at
199 jobs in 2017, a record!
Obviously the aim is even
higher this year, so register
your project or sign up as a
volunteer now you still can.
naire), STATIA DOET (Sint Fonds is the biggest nation-
Eustatius) and SXM DOET al fund in the social arena
(Sint Maarten), these six ini- and showcases the best
tiatives highlight volunteer- the Kingdom has to offer.
ing and volunteers while Around €30 million is spent
encouraging everybody to each year supporting orga-
roll up their sleeves for (part nizations and initiatives that
of) a day. With these six ini- strengthen social cohesion
tiatives the OranjeFonds is in The Netherlands and
organizing the biggest vol- the Caribbean part of the
unteer event in the King- Kingdom. King Willem-Alex-
dom in cooperation with ander and Queen Máxima
thousands of social orga- are the official patrons of
started in 2013 on the ini- (The Netherlands), ARUBA nizations and with the sup- the Fund.
OranjeFonds tiative of the OranjeFonds. DOET (Aruba), CURA DOET port of local partners such For more information: www.
The event ARUBA DOET Under the names NLdoet (Curaçao), BON DOET (Bo- as CEDE Aruba. The Oranje-
Loyal Visitor Honored at the Aruba Beach Club
ald Ambassador were Mr.
Ralph and Mrs. Tina Polver-
ino of Valley Stream, New
York, celebrating more
than 35 consecutive an-
nual visits to Aruba!
These special guests love
Aruba very much because
of the friendly people, the
weather, the sunsets, the
beaches, the restaurants,
the Casinos, and just about
everything else! They say
being on the island is like
being in paradise and that
Aruba is truly their ‘home-
EAGLE BEACH - Recently presented in the name of The certificate and com-
the Aruba Tourism Author- the Minister of Tourism as memorative emerald coin
ity had the great pleasure tokens of appreciation to were presented by Ms. Dar-
of honoring a very special guests who visit Aruba for line de Cuba representing
couple as Emerald Am- 35-or-more consecutive the Aruba Tourism Author-
bassadors of Aruba at the years. ity, together with associ-
Aruba Beach Club. The ates from the Aruba Beach
symbolic honorary title is The honorees for Emer- Club.q