Page 24 - DESPA 12 JUNE 2017
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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 12 June 2017

               Winning $447M Powerball ticket bought in CA                                                                        dOCTOR ON dUTY
                                                                                                                                         Dr. G. Croes
             By AMY TAXIN                                                                                                                Tel. 582 2991
             Associated Press                                                                                                              San Nicolas
             LOS ANGELES (AP) — A sole                                                             TIME SHARES FOR SALE                   Dr. Britt-Croes
             winning  Powerball  ticket                                                            Caribbean Palm Village Weeks           Tel. 584 1984
             worth  $447.8  million  and                                                           week 7 $6,500.00                EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                                                   week 26 $2,000.00
             matching  all  six  numbers                                                           all are 2 beedroom all are
             was  sold  in  Southern  Cali-                                                        garden view
             fornia  and  will  claim  the                                                         e-mail:
             10th  largest  lottery  prize  in                                                     Call: 609 775 3836
             U.S.  history,  lottery  officials                                                    _________________________________207485  POLICE       100
                                                                                                   FOR SALE BY OWNER
             said Sunday.                                                                          Wk 9 Divi Little Bay         ORANJESTAD     527-3140
             The winning ticket was sold                                                           St. Maarten                  STA. CRUZ        527-2900
             at Marietta Liquor & Deli in                                                          Rm 621 1 Br /1 Ba RTu: exp.   SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
             the  small  city  of  Menifee,                                                        2042 ocean / bay view        POLICE TIPLINE    11141
             the  California  Lottery  said                                                        717 319 9324 +10 accelerated   FIRE DEPT.      115
             in  a  statement.  Lottery  of-  Chris Raff of Lincoln, Neb., hands a Powerball ticket to a cus-  Sleeps 4 $6,000  FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
             ficials  said  the  earliest  the   tomer in Omaha, Neb., Saturday, June 10, 2017. A sole winning    e-mail:       HOSPITAL         527-4000
                                                                                                                                DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
             ticket could be redeemed     Powerball ticket worth $447.8 million and matching all six num-  AMBULANCE      582-1234
                                          bers was sold in Southern California and will claim the 10th larg-
             is 8 a.m. Monday, and the    est lottery prize in U.S. history, lottery officials said Sunday.                     IMSAN            524-8833
             winner  has  one  year  to                                      (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)  _________________________________207466  Women in Difficulties
             claim the prize.                                                                      FOR SALE                          PHARMACY
             The  store  just  off  a  high-  Sun  City  has  about  4,700  over  there,  so  hopefully   Caribbean  Plam Village  Oranjestad:
             way caters to retirees who   homes  developed  in  the  one  of  our  Menifee  folks   two bedroom floading weeks   Trupiaal Tel. 583 8560
             live  in  the  Sun  City  part  of   1960s  for  residents  age  55  won,” he said.   $6,000 contact               San Nicolas
             Menifee that was originally   and older. Today, they are  The  lucky  numbers  drawn           Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
             developed as a retirement   part  of  Menifee,  popula-  Saturday night were 20-26-   or  001 419 344 5855
             community  as  well  as  to   tion 89,000, but those living  32-38-58,  and  the  Power-  _________________________________207552  INFORMATION   118
             motorists  passing  through   in Sun City still proudly call  ball number was 3.      FOR SALE                     TAXI-TAS      587-5900
             the  area  about  80  miles   the community by its origi-  Powerball spokesman Ran-   Casa del Mar                 PROF. TAXI    588-0035
             (130  kilometers)  from  Los   nal name, Blais said.     dy Miller said the estimated   wk 1 +deed                 TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
             Angeles.                    The  homes  are  clustered  jackpot prize is based on a   2bedroom and 2 bath #1313    SERVICE AUA   583-3232
             Liquor  store  owner  Mat-  around a golf course, and  winner  choosing  an  annu-    Presidential / ocean view    A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
             thew Alberre said he does   residents  join  in  activities  ity, which pays off over 29   $21,000                                    280-2828
             not know which of his cus-  ranging  from  tai  chi  and  years. The cash prize would   e-mail:      CRuISe SHIP
             tomers won the jackpot or   swimming to woodworking  be $279.1 million. Both prize    _________________________________206677
             what his family will do with   and  shuffleboard,  accord-  amounts  would  be  before   FOR SALE
             the  $1  million  bonus  set   ing  to  the  association’s  taxes are deducted.       Divi Village
             aside  for  the  retailer  that   website.               Before  the  drawing  Satur-  week 1 one bedroom $6,500
             sells the winning ticket.   Menifee  Mayor  Neil  Win-   day night, the jackpot was   week 2 one bedroom $6,500
             “We’re  so  blessed  for  this   ter  said  he  hoped  a  local  estimated  at  $435  million.   For details contact         June 14
             to  happen,”  said  Alberre,   resident  bought  the  win-  It  had  grown  because  no                  adventure of the Seas
                                                                                                                                       Carnival Splendor
             who owns the store with his   ning ticket at the store in a  one  had  matched  all  the   _________________________________207570  Zenith
             father.                     heavily  visited  intersection  numbers since April 1.    TIME SHARE FOR SALE
             The  year  began  terribly   that  has  sold  winners  be-  The odds of winning Satur-  aruba Beach Club wk 22 unit   Aruba Airport   524-2424
             for  the  family  because  Al-  fore but never for so much.  day’s drawing were one in   151 superior 6/3, $1888 and   American Airlines 582-2700
             berre’s  father  was  diag-  “There’s a lot of good folks  292.2 million.q            Casa del Mar  amb wk 21, 5/27   Avianca    588-0059
             nosed  with  pulmonary  fi-                                                           $1,850. also one br cdm unit   Aruba Airlines  583-8300
             brosis.                                                                               1326 wk 29 6/22 school vac.   Jet Blue     588-2244
             “Starting  out  the  year,  it                                                        7/22 $2,750 or rent $850     Surinam       582-7896
             seemed  like  it  was  going                                                          e-mail:       Aruba Foundation
             to be the worst year in the                                                           Local 565 9394 until 6/10    For those Visually Incapasitated
             world, and six months later,                                                          508 651 0016                 Tel. 582-5051
             our store hit the Powerball.                                                          _________________________________207499  AL-ANON group
             We’re very, very grateful for                                                                                      Sabana Liber #8, Noord
             this to happen to our store,”                                                                                      Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
             Alberre said.
             Sun  City  residents  were                                                                                         FUNDACIONS
             wondering  if  they  might                                                                                         Tel. 582-4433
             know the winner.
             At a breakfast at the local                                                                                        Centro Diabetic Arubano
             Knights  of  Columbus  orga-                                                                                       Tel. 524-8888
             nization, Armand Blais said                                                                                        Narcotics Anonymous
             people  there  hoped  the                                                                                          Tel. 583-8989
             ticketholder  lived  in  their                                                                                     QUOTA Club
             community  and  would  as-                                                                                         Tel. 525-2672
             sist  their  efforts  to  build  a
             new church.                                                                                                        Women in Difficulties
             “We’re   hoping    they’re                                                                                         Foundation
             a  parishioner  and  they’ll                                                                                       Tel. 583-5400
             bring  us  a  check  tomor-                                                                                        Bloodbank Aruba
             row,” said Blais, president of                                                                                     Tel. 587-0002
             the Sun City Civic Associa-
             tion’s board.
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