Page 4 - Diario
P. 4
Happy birthday to you!! (5x) Asina nos ta kanta awe pe Diva
di kas Angie Vorst cuta cumpli su 23 aña awe pabien ta bini di
parti tur esnan cu stimabo specialmente bo mayornan bo yiu, bo
pareha & famia tur bo amigas nan tambe bo ruman nan y demas
famia na Aua, Cur, Bon, Sxm, Usa & Hul nos ta desabo un
feliz cumpleaños y cubo gosa hopi dibo dia yena cu hopi amor
bendishon y regalitos have fun. Be blessed xoxo
Awe nos papi Alejandro y nos mami Regina ta celebra nan 17th wedding anniversary. Al-
exandra Zoraima Rachela y Reginald ta desea boso hopi aña mas di bida matrimonial jena
cu hopi Amor y Pasenshi. Dios bendishona Boso Amor pa eternidad. Love you guys.
Awe ta cumpli su 4 aña e prins di cas Maurice Jr.Figaroa
E ta hanja pabien di parti su Papi Mau y tambe di parti Mami
Nagwa Tambe e hanja pabien di parti welanan y welonan su
madrina nan Kylie-Naysa Padrino Jeffrey y Cedrik tambe
di parti su Tanchi Isa tambe e hanja pabien di parti Micheal-
Shawn-Jetro-Popo-Ashton-Ali y Halo-Jay aya na hulanda.
Pa e pasa un dushi dia awe cu nos ta bin come bolo…
Happy birthday to you (5x) Today we sing happy birthday
Asina nos ta kanta awe pe Diva to the diva herself miss Angie
di kas Angie Vorst cuta cumpli Vorst a big and special happy
su 23 aña awe pabien ta bini di birthday coming from her son
parti tur esnan cu stimabo spe- Kyzion, her parent, her hubby
cialmente bo mayornan bo yiu, & second Family also from her
bo guy & famia tur bo amigas brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts,
nan tambe bo ruman nan y de- uncles and grandfathers, also
mas famia na Aua, Cur, Bon, congrats coming from all of her
Sxm, Usa & Hul nos ta desabo close friends. We wish you all
un feliz cumpleaños y cubo the best in this world and hope
gosa hopi dibo dia yena cu hopi you have an amazing and won-
amor bendishon y regalitos. Be derful day on you 23rd birthday,
blessed xoxo we love you so much. God Bless
you everyday !!!