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UP FRONTThursday 18 February 2016
US accuses China of missiles on disputed island Caribbean reports
tourism surge; Zika
M. PENNINGTON mercial satellite imagery efforts to claim virtually the Washington. Secretary of impact not yet felt
appeared to indicate Chi- entire disputed sea and State John Kerry said the
Associated Press na has deployed a sur- its resources, which has signs of increasing militari- DANICA COTO
WASHINGTON (AP) — The face-to-air missile system. prompted some of its wary zation contradicted a pub- Associated Press
United States warned Another U.S. official gave a neighbors to draw closer to lic assurance from Chinese SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico
Wednesday of rising ten- more direct confirmation of the U.S. President Xi Jinping when (AP) — The Caribbean on
sions in the South China Sea the deployment on Woody In Beijing, Chinese Foreign he visited the White House Tuesday reported a surge
after China appeared to Island. The official, who was Minister Wang Yi accused last September. in tourism for 2015 that eas-
“When President Xi was ily surpassed the global
This image shows Woody Island, the largest of the Paracel Islands, in the South China Sea. A U.S. here in Washington, he growth rate as it set new
official confirmed that China has placed a surface-to-air missile system on Woody Island in the stood in the Rose Garden arrival and spending re-
Paracel chain, but it is unclear whether this is a short-term deployment or something intended to with President Obama and cords , though there are
be more long-lasting. said China will not milita- concerns the mosquito-
rize the South China Sea. borne Zika virus could put
(ImageSat International N.V. via AP) But there is every evidence a dent in those numbers
every day that there has this year.
have placed a surface-to- not authorized to discuss the media of hyping the been an increase in milita- Nearly 29 million people
air missile system on a dis- the information publicly issue and saying more at- rization,” Kerry said before visited the region last year,
puted island. and spoke on condition of tention should be paid to meeting with Poland’s for- a 7 percent jump that sur-
Taiwan’s defense ministry anonymity, said it is unclear the “public goods and eign minister in Washington. passed the 4 percent glob-
said that China had posi- whether the deployment is services” provided by Chi- “It’s a serious concern,” al tourism growth rate, said
tioned anti-aircraft missiles intended for the long-term. na’s development of its he said, adding that he Hugh Riley, secretary gen-
on Woody Island in the The deployment fol- maritime claims. expected the U.S. would eral of the Caribbean Tour-
Paracel chain, which is oc- lows China’s building of China’s actions in the have a “very serious con- ism Organization. Visitors to
cupied by China but also new islands by piling sand South China Sea have be- versation” with China on the Caribbean spent $30
claimed by Taiwan and atop reefs and then add- coming a source of tension the issue in the next few billion last year, a $1 bil-
Vietnam. ing airstrips and military not just with other Asian days. lion increase from 2014, he
State Department spokes- installations. The buildup governments that claim U.S. network Fox News re- said.
man Mark Toner said com- is seen as part of Beijing’s territory there, but with ported that China had He credited a stronger U.S.
moved two batteries of the economy, new flights, low-
HQ-9 surface-to-air missile er oil prices and persistent
system, along with radar marketing.
targeting arrays on Woody U.S. travelers accounted
island. HIS Jane’s Intelli- for 14.3 million visits, repre-
gence Review agreed with senting roughly 50 percent
that conclusion in its assess- of all arrivals. Barbados,
ment of commercial satel- Curacao and Trinidad and
lite imagery of the island. Tobago reported the high-
The review’s deputy edi- est growth rates in U.S. ar-
tor Neil Ashdown said that rivals. Meanwhile, there
depending on the version were more than 5 million
of the HQ-9 deployed, the arrivals from Europe for the
system has a range of be- first time in seven years,
tween 125 kilometers (78 more than 1 million from
miles) and 230 kilometers Britain alone.
(143 miles), and would be Hotel occupancies and
the most advanced sur- average daily rates also in-
face-to-air missile system creased last year for most
currently deployed on land hotels, although one-third
in the South China Sea. He of hotels reported a net loss
described that as a signifi- as they struggled with high
cant military escalation.q operating and air travel
Iran snubs Doha proposal, won’t freeze oil output costs, said Frank Comito,
CEO of the Florida-based
Caribbean Hotel & Tourism
ALI AKBAR DAREINI less than $30 a barrel, a 13- members to stabilize and barrels a day. Association.
Associated Press year low. But Iran is keen to boost prices is also sup- “These countries increased “While most destinations
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran ramp up exports to regain ported by us,” he added, their production by 4 mil- have done well and most
appeared Wednesday to market share now that in comments posted on lion barrels when Iran was hotels did well, that’s not
back a plan laid out by sanctions related to its nu- the ministry’s website late under sanctions,” Asali was been the case across the
four influential oil producers clear program have been Wednesday. quoted as saying by the board,” he said. “There
to cap their crude output if lifted under a landmark Iran’s envoy to OPEC, Mah- Shargh daily. “Now it’s pri- have been some areas of
others do the same, though agreement. di Asali, had earlier blamed marily their responsibility to slow growth and even no
it offered no indication that “Iran supports any mea- the fall in prices on over- help restore balance on growth.”
it has any plans to follow sure to boost oil prices,” Oil supply, and said it was up the market. There is no rea- The news comes as the Ca-
suit itself. Minister Bijan Namdar Zan- to Saudi Arabia and others son for Iran to do so.” ribbean and Latin America
The agreement reached ganeh said after talks with to cut production. He said The four countries made struggle with an increase
in Doha the day before by his counterparts from Iraq, the four nations that partici- their announcement fol- in Zika cases, with Puerto
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia Venezuela and Qatar. pated at the Doha gather- lowing an unexpected Rico already reporting
and Venezuela is aimed at “The decision taken to ing could stabilize oil prices meeting in the Qatari capi- several wedding and busi-
stabilizing global oil prices, freeze the production ceil- on their own -- if they cut tal that pointedly did not ness conference cancella-
which recently plunged to ing of OPEC and non-OPEC their production by 2 million include Iran. q tions. q