Page 8 - MIN.SOC 24 AUG,2015
P. 8


LOCALMonday 24 August 2015

Aruba Coffee Roasting Company Gives Back to the Community

BRINGAMOSA - A new and         scooping, feeding the      vet, the group thought it a  example which they urge        cafe in the center of Oran-
rather unique initiative       donkeys and assisting the  wonderful experience; an     other Aruban companies         jestad, but they also import
comes from the manage-                                                                 to follow. And they don’t      their own coffee from all
ment of the Aruba Coffee                                                               stop here: they see this as    over the world. The beans
Roasting Company: togeth-                                                              the start of a long-term re-   are burnt on Aruba. This cof-
er with its employees they                                                             lationship and they look for-  fee is also available for use
spent a day working as vol-                                                            ward to supporting the Don-    at home and it is for sale at
unteers at the Aruba Donkey                                                            key Sanctuary on a more        various local supermarkets
Sanctuary. The owners of this                                                          regular basis and in a more    as well as at the fun Coffee
special company, Frank and                                                             structural way. The Aruba      Break location. Photo: Sheri
Sheri Tieleman, believe in                                                             Coffee Roasting Company        Tieleman and the wonder-
the concept of giving back                                                             is well-known on the island    ful Aruba Coffee Roasting
to the community and they                                                              because of its Coffee Break    Company employees.q
urge their employees to do
the same. As a 100 percent
Aruban company they start-
ed at the Aruban Donkey
Sanctuary as they view the
donkey as a symbol of Aru-
ban history.
Using this day to clear the
area, the famous poop-
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