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Friday 5 May 2017
Team Aruba on Display for 15,000 at 2017 Summit Racing Atlanta Motorama
Summit is easily one of the a work of art. Every time I
most recognizable brands see the picturesque beach
in the industry. scenes on the car, I look
The show often boasts some forward to my next vaca-
of the most unique and tion there.”
rare cars in the country, at- As always, Team Aruba
tracting car lovers from all was on hand not only to
over the southeast. The 200 showcase the beautiful
MPH Mustang, Mustang, but to offer free-
with its eye-catching de- bies and information on
sign, was a popular display. Aruba vacations.
“Summit Racing Equip- “This was an excellent op-
ment was honored to have portunity for us,” Eman reit-
Team Aruba be a part of erated. “We are excited to
our display at the 2017 do more events like this in
Summit Racing Atlanta the future.”
Motorama,” stated Summit Team Aruba will return to
Racing’s Tummy Dupree. eighth-mile racing with
“Trevor and his crew are the PDRA, May 18-20 at
great ambassadors for the The Legendary Darlington
beautiful island of Aruba Dragway in Darlington, S.C.
and their race car is truly q
ATLANTA, Ga - Recently, help us to market it to all
Summit Racing Equipment auto enthusiasts, beyond
held its annual Atlanta Mo- the scope of drag racing.
torama. Team Aruba had To be able to be part of an
the privilege of making the event together with Sum-
short trip from their state- mit, on display next to other
side base of Union, S.C. to major motorsports brands,
be on display for the mega such as Bigfoot 4x4, is truly
car show. a great achievement for
The event, held at Atlanta us, especially as a team
Motor Speedway, wel- coming from the small
comed 15,000 attendees Happy Island of Aruba.
and 2,500 participants. “We have great partners,
Dubbed a “massive cel- the Aruba Tourism Board
ebration of anything with and Aruba Airport Author-
an engine” the event fea- ity, who, together with us,
tures hot rods, motorcycles, see the importance in be-
monster trucks and more. ing recognized in the mo-
“We were very honored torsports industry, where
to be a part of this,” Trevor promoting our island desti- mance equipment com-
Eman stated on behalf of nation is an untapped field. pany. Not only does the
his team. Summit Racing Equipment company offer thousands
“I consider it a huge mile- gave us another venue of performance parts, af-
stone for Team Aruba to be and method of performing termarket accessories,
able to stand together with this task, and we are very tools and garage equip-
such a huge brand name grateful for the opportu- ment, collectibles, and
as Summit Racing Equip- nity.” stock replacement parts,
ment. We’ve created a Summit Racing Equipment it also boasts some of the
recognizable name for this is the world’s largest mail country’s top car shows
team and events like this order automotive perfor- and automotive events.