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Tuesday 15 augusT 2023
CNN revamps schedule, with new roles for Phillip, Coates, Wallace
and Amanpour
By DAVID BAUDER mornings, the network said.
AP Media Writer Heading into the 2024
NEW YORK (AP) — CNN is campaign, political cor-
emphasizing homegrown respondent Kasie Hunt will
stars and reporting chops host “Early Start” at 5 a.m.
in a schedule reboot that on weekdays. Phil Matting-
gives weeknight shows ly will be a new co-host with
to Abby Phillip and Laura Poppy Harlow on the three-
Coates, along with bringing hour “CNN This Morning”
Christiane Amanpour back show.
onto the domestic network “King Charles,” a limited-
regularly. run series with Gayle King
Virtually no part of the and Charles Barkley, will air
day or weekend goes un- on Wednesday nights at
changed in the plans an- 9 p.m. Eastern starting this
nounced on Monday, the fall, CNN announced.
first major move by the The show was the center-
leadership quartet that This combination of photos show, from left, Erin Burnett, Anderson Cooper and Kaitlan Collins who piece of Licht’s prime-time
replaced ousted network host back-to-back weeknight shows on CNN beginning at 7 p.m. strategy. He sought well-
chief Chris Licht on June 1. Associated Press known personalities who
Phillip, a political reporter, CNN hasn’t had a regular approach to reporting the One of CNN’s most recog- could comment on the
and Coates, the network’s prime-time lineup, and its news,” the leaders said in a nizable veterans, Aman- news and help CNN com-
chief legal correspondent, new leaders considered statement. pour has hosted a program pete with more general-in-
both began at CNN in it a top priority to project CNN has struggled with rat- on the network’s interna- terest networks. But except
part-time roles. Soon they’ll consistence to viewers and ings challenges worsened tional network and been for King and Barkley, the
have back-to-back hours employees. by the quickening pulse of virtually invisible domesti- plans never came together
on the network’s schedule CNN’s leadership team of people cutting the cord on cally the past decade. and CNN is now abandon-
each weeknight starting at Amy Entelis, David Leavy, cable television. In July, Fox Now she’ll host a regular ing that approach.
10 p.m. Eastern. Virginia Moseley and Eric News Channel and MSNBC news hour on Saturdays. Capitol Hill correspondent
They’ll join Kaitlan Collins at Sherling also wanted to in- both dominated by opinion Since jumping from Fox Manu Raju will become the
9 p.m. and Erin Burnett two stall program hosts with ex- programming in the eve- News, Chris Wallace has Sunday anchor of “Inside
hours earlier, with Anderson perience as reporters. ning averaged 1.57 mil- hosted a wide-ranging in- Politics,” under the new
Cooper the only man in the “They are extraordinarily lion and 1.12 million viewers terview show for HBO Max plans. Pamela Brown will
important five-hour stretch talented and share the respectively in prime time. that was rebroadcast on anchor a weekday after-
that includes prime time. same CNN sensibility: versa- CNN averaged 534,000, CNN. Now he’ll return to noon program, while Victor
Since Chris Cuomo was tility, determination and an according to the Nielsen familiar turf, a live political Blackwell has a new Satur-
fired in December 2021, inquisitive and empathetic company. panel show, on Saturday day morning program. q
Michael Oher, former NFL tackle known for ‘The Blind Side,’ sues to
end Tuohys’ conservatorship
By TERESA M. WALKER interest. Oher, who has nev- and punitive damages de- ciated Press that they will vices before he turned 18.
AP Pro Football Writer er been a fan of the movie termined by the court. file an answer to the alle- The conservatorship paper-
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — of his life, also asks in the first reported the gations in court but he de- work was filed Aug. 4, 2004
Michael Oher, the former petition that the Tuohys be petition. clined to comment further. after Oher turned 18 in May
NFL tackle known for the sanctioned and required Steve Farese, a lawyer for He was among three at- that year. He was the 23rd
movie “The Blind Side,” to pay both compensatory the Tuohys, told The Asso- torneys served on behalf of overall pick in the 2009
filed a petition Monday in the Tuohys on Monday. draft out of Mississippi, and
a Tennessee probate court Leigh Anne Tuohy did not he spent his first five seasons
accusing Sean and Leigh immediately respond to an with the Baltimore Ravens.
Anne Tuohy of lying to him email sent to her personal He wound up playing eight
by having him sign papers website. NFL seasons, including 2014
making them his conserva- The movie was nominated when he started 11 games
tors rather than his adop- for an Oscar, and Sandra for the Tennessee Titans.
tive parents nearly two de- Bullock won the Academy Oher finished his career
cades ago. Award for her portrayal of with two years in Carolina.
In the petition filed Monday Leigh Anne Tuohy. He started 110 career
in Shelby County Probate In the petition, Oher says games and won a Super
Court, Oher asks for the he only learned in February Bowl with the Ravens. He
conservatorship to be ter- that the Tuohys remain his also finished second in the
minated along with asking conservators. voting to Percy Harvin of
for a full accounting of the Oher accuses the Tuohys Minnesota for The Associ-
money earned off the use of never trying to take le- ated Press NFL Offensive
of his name and story. Carolina Panthers’ Michael Oher speaks to the media during the gal action to assume cus- Rookie of the Year after
first day of their NFL football offseason conditioning program in
He also asks to be paid Charlotte, N.C., April 20, 2015. tody from the Tennessee starting all 16 games his first
what he is due along with Associated Press Department of Human Ser- season at right tackle.q