Page 18 - MIN SJA 4 MAART 2016
P. 18
Friday 4 March 2016
Register to Volunteer Now – Less Than 2 Weeks Left for ARUBA DOET 2016
ORANJESTAD - ARUBA on the other hand you will is completed. Participate
DOET 2016 is on Friday as an individual person,
11th and Saturday 12th of have a great satisfaction, group of family, friends or
March 2016. The biggest colleagues and help with
volunteer event on the you will meet other people, painting of Speelschool
island will take place in less Kerekentenchi, Centro
than two weeks. More than you will get to know your di Bario Playa Pabao,
2.400 volunteers registered Fundacion Centro Hubenil
already to give a helping friends/colleagues in Ami Por. Help clean up four
hand. However, there are historical areas for Stichting
some organizations that still another way and you will Rancho or the soccer
are in need of volunteers field of UNDESA or the
to complete their project. leave at the end of the day storeroom of Fundacion Pa
With ARUBA DOET everyone Nos Comunidad. FUNARI
can give a helping hand very proud that you gave is seeking for volunteers
and work with enjoyment. to create a stage for their
On one hand you will help a a helping hand. The social clients. Help Adopt An
social organization and do Addict with the concreting
something positive for the organizations will do all for the porch and clean
Aruban community. And up of the yard. Or give
the preparations that are Fundacion Bon Nochi
Drumi Dushiand Rosario
necessary so when the date College a helping hand by
making book cabinets.
approaches everything is Do you want to give a
helping hand to a sport
ready for the volunteers. club, scouting group,
school, elderly home,
Also, the organizations neighborhood centrum,
foundation? Visit our
assure a good ambience. website www.arubadoet.
com and register as a
The projects for ARUBA volunteer at the project of
your choice. If you have
DOET are not huge. When any questions or need help
registering call the ARUBA
volunteers leave, it is an DOET team at 5827666
or send us a mail at info.
indication that the project