Page 3 - IMSAN DEC92014
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Comunidad Catolico Misioneronan di Hesus Aruba Remitido
tin como Cordinador Spiritual Pastor Daniel Szpila
Henter pueblo di Aruba ta cordialmente invita pa Sperando seis luna caba riba Dr. Van Niel
un anochi di ALABANSA na DIOS.
Bin eksperencia e PODER di DIOS con DIOS ta Again I am forced to pub- eyes, but first wanted to get It is now more than six (6)
SANA, KURA y LIBERA TUR esnan cu ta KERE lish an open letter, because it Dr. van Niel’s advice on one months ago and Dr. van Niel
den djÉ pa medio di FE den nos SEÑOR HESU seems that this is the only way, of my eyelids that is not clos- still did not send his advice to
KRISTU you can get anything done. ing enough (good). Dr. Mosquera nor me.
***Dia: Diamars 9 December 2014***
This time it is Dr. van Niel, Dr. van Niel had operated For the last six months I
Ora: 7:30-9:30pm who is giving me a reason. this eyelid a few years back called Dr. van Niel 3 to 4 times
Luga: Jacintha Kleuterschool (with all my confidence). a week. I spoke with his sec-
Adres: Patiastraat # 19 Dakota If I write something that is retary
Skucha e Misioneronan na BLUE FM 107.5 not the truth or not correct, A couple of weeks later I got
tur DIASABRA MAINTA di: 6:00 - 8:00am please let the person I am ad- an appointment with Dr. van “Dr. van Niel, you are play-
dressing answer and correct Niel and handed him the let- ing with my health. If for
den e programa: me. ter from Dr. Mosquera. After some reason you do not want
“UN MAINTA GLORIOSO” reading the letter and exam- to contact me, please let me
presenta pa MDJ Vito Geerman On May,28, 2014, Dr. Mos- ining the eyelid, Dr. van Niel know, either by private mail or
Isaias 40 quera (Eye specialist) handed said that: He would inform an open letter.
*8 “Si, yerba ta seka i flornan ta marchitá, me a letter to give to Dr. van Dr. Mosquera or me shortly
pero, Palabra di nos Dios ta Keda na Vigor Niel. and that most likely an opera- Personally I have nothing
pa Semper.” tion would not be necessary. to hide and will confront you
She said that she wanted to will all respect anytime. But
Nos tin e tristo deber di anuncia write me a prescription for my please do not leave me hang-
fayecemento di: ing out on a limb for another
BibaÊcadaÊmomento six (6) months.
Sr.Dominico Rito Christiaans
“ Señor ta mi wardador, mi n’ tin falta di nada; I spoke with his secretary
Mihor conoci como“Nico” Den cunucu di yerba berde, E ta ponemi sosega. and also into his ‘answering
Tata di nos colega Ann Christiaans E ta hibami na awa tranquil, pa mi bolbe haña forsa.” machine”. I told his secretary
Salmo 23:1,2,3 that I needed my glasses be-
Gerencia y staf ta extende nan cause I could not see to read
palabranan di profundo pesame na Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, nos ta participa and write. I even told her that
fayecimento inespera di: I had a problem with walking.
“Ann” y demas famia. This was to no avail.
Cu “Nico” sosega na pas y forsa Johannes B. Maduro
Dr. van Niel is this the way
na su famia. Mihor conoci como: “Wakang” to treat a patient?
21 augustus 1939 -
5 december 2014 I am not a rain-dancer, but
ex-trahado di D.O.W. will dance until it rains.

Na nomber di su: Roland W. Peterson.
señora: Braulia Mackintosh
yiunan:Mierna y famia Cacho di un bisiña
a topa y morde
Juan y famia cacho di otro bisiña
Yolanda y famia
Rosalba y famia ORANJESTAD (AAN):
Albertico y famia Cachonan cu ta circula riba
† Elvira y famia caminda publico ta sigui cau-
Evelien y famia sa problema pa nan doño cu
Urvin y famia tampoco ta tene cuenta cu su
nietonan: Maikel – Valentino – Gerald – Brayon – cacho mester ta sea den cura
Jason – Shannon – Chepito – Ralphy – Johnalbert – of na cabuya .
Anthony – Aron – Jonathan Diadomingo despues di mer-
nietanan: Valerie – Geralda – Geraldine – Jacely – Gillian dia, polis di Noord a bay den
– Melany – Tanneesha – Veronic – Janice – Mailin – direccion di Sabana Liber na
Stefanie – Jenely – Urvien – Igiña – Gimena unda a solicita asistencia pa
rumannan: Steve Maduro cacho di bisiña cu a morde
cacho di otro bisiña.
† Felipe Maduro E homber di inicial P. na
Juanita Maduro yegada di polis a declara cu
amigonan di cas: Thomas – Sary – Leidy – Derick – Cho diasabra anochi su cacho a
Jeff – Tello – Kleine – Johnie – Ashi – Jockey – Keechie – wordo mordi pa cacho di
y tur cumpradonan di Lotto bisiña tambe biba den Sa-
famia: Maduro, Mackintosh, Caraballo, Dijkhoff, Wernet, bana Liber.
Flanegin, Connors, Wester, Kock, Guitieres, Quarin, P mester a kita e Rottweiler
Kelly, Tromp, v/d Biezen, Paula, Martis, Koolman, for di su y su cacho diferente
Bislick, Henriquez y demas famia na Aruba, Corsow, biaha a wordo gancha.
Boston, Boneiro, Hulanda y Orlando ta invita tur amigo, E senora bisiña no kier a
bisiña y conoci pa asisti na e acto di entiero cual ta tuma comprende di ta responsable
lugar diaranzon 10 december 2014 pa 4’or di atardi pa locual su cacho a haci na
saliendo for di Misa Santa Anna pa santana catolico na prome instante. Despues si el
Noord. E resto mortal lo ta reposa for di 2’or di atardi a ofrece pa paga e cuenta di
den Misa Santa Anna na Noord. e cacho na departamento vet-
Adres pa condolencia: the Olive Tree Funeral Home erinario.
Diamars 9 december 2014 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi Denunciante P. kier pa polis
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no por ricibi documenta esaki debi cu e
bishita di condolencia na cas. senora cu frecuencia ta cana
Nos kier a pidi nos disculpa si nos por a lubida un of pafor sin cu e cacho nan ta na
otro famia den nos tristeza. cabuya. Denunciante a laga
polis sa, di tin miedo cu su
Bernhardstraat 134-136 - San Nicolas - Tel 584 8888 famia y tambe su cachonan
Avenida E.J. ÒWattyÓ Vos 44 - Oranjestad - Tel 5820000 atrobe por wordo ataca, debi cu e cachonan en cuestion ta
www.theolivetreefuner alhome .com wild. E caso tin polis su aten-
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