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Saturday 18 May 2024 LOCAL
The wrongly called divi-divi tree Episode CXXVI- 126
This famous tree was once the property of the shipped to Spain and Germany. Today the real
then Dutch government. The Watapana-tree is local name is being forgotten.
officially called Caesalpinia Coriaria. Nowa-
days people erroneously call it Divi Divi. There The Watapana grows almost anywhere on the
are many types or species that people con- island and the dried leaves are much sought
fuses or contains the name with the Watapana. after for enriching the soil. This tree was so im-
Aruba has only two plants that use the name portant that in the 19th century onto 1920, that
watapana: one is a big tree and the other one severe penalty was imposed on those who cut
a brush or schrub called Watapana Shimaron a single branch of tree. On lease grounds it
Desmanthus virgatus, which means shy Wata- was even worse. You needed a special permit
pana which also contained some tannin. by the Lt. Governor to cut one and you better
have a very good reason to get such a permit.
The watapana originally was called and still Twice and three times during a good rainy years
known as Guatapana in Cuba, Mexico, Puerto seed pods could be collected to be sold and Divi Divi was used at the tanneries on the Elbe
Rico and Central America. Pods contain tan- exported. The tree was cared for as to be free River for the preparation of leather that was
nic acid and gallic acid. Aruba’s Amerindians from beetles, weevils or termites, for these pests manufactured into the greased leather boots of
used to call the pods divi divi. Under this name would ruin a harvest. The gathering of the pods East-European farmers. However, Aruba never
it was brought on the market in Caracas, to be (balina’s) was the job for women and children. shipped direct, everything went via Curacao.
The fruits had to be ripe for the best tannin qual- In Europe Divi Divi was much in demand and
ity concentration. tannin at some places sold for sixty to eighty
guilders a ton . One of the best years was 1911,
The Watapana meanwhile has become the of- when Aruba exported 303.000 kilos, Curacao
ficial tree of Aruba and was so decreed by the 652.000 and Bonaire 1.102.000 kilos.
Aruban Parliament. It is no coincidence that
wherever you see aloes the watapana is also To get to know more about Aruba’s origins, flora,
present. Both formed a means of income for fauna and cultural heritage, we recommend
the countryside population during more than a this private cultural encounter session that has
century. Aruba produced a considerable part been educating participants for decades. Mail
of the total Watapana-crops export to Europe. us at or Whatsapp +
The principal market was Hamburg in Germany. 297 592 2702 for an amazing native hour. q
Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!
(Oranjestad)—Located in the middle of down- town came to be. If you are interested in history
town Oranjestad, situated right next to the and want to learn more about Aruba, then Fort
government building “Cocolishi”, is one of the Zoutman should definitely be included into your
oldest buildings of Aruba: Fort Zoutman. First itinerary.
constructed in 1796, this site has been used (or
left unused) in many ways and have survived The museum is open Monday to Friday from
eras of war and attempted dismantling. 9am-6pm, and Saturday from 10am-2pm.q
When anyone refers to Fort Zoutman, they Source: The Old Fort of Aruba by Jan Hartog.
are actually referring to two separate build-
ings that, over the years, have been merged:
the fort and the tower. That’s right, the iconic times (The Netherlands was at constant war
5-story, squared tower was not part of the origi- with England back in the colonial era).
nal structure of the fort, and is actually called
“Willem III Toren”. Constructed in 1867, this tow- Over the years, both the fort and the tower
er was named after the then-reigning king of had functioned as different government cen-
The Netherlands, Willem III. Willem III Toren was ter points, including a tax and stamps office. For
originally a light tower, but after a request from some time these two buildings also housed a
Lieutenant Governor Jan Helenus in 1866, it also police precinct and jail, and even experienced
became a bell tower. abandonment until the Cultural Center Aruba
Foundation (CCA) petitioned for its renovation
The fort itself was originally constructed to pro- in 1964, turning the site into the Historic Museum
tect the commerce bay of Paardenbaai from it currently is.
pirates and other disreputable characters
roaming the Caribbean Sea. Unlike the Willem Despite its small size, The Historic Museum
III Toren, Fort Zoutman had a more tumultuous guards a rich depository of the commercial,
past, including the on-and-off reception of un- military and social history of Oranjestad, offer-
wanted members of the English military several ing a glance into how the social culture of the