Page 9 - SDP 13FEB,2016
P. 9
Pagina 18 Diasabra 13 Februari 2016
From massages, the perfect gift to brunch or dinner:
Renaissance Aruba perfect for Valentine’s Day
Renaissance Aruba has glass of champagne. There Renaissance Marketplace. "DIA DI
the perfect day planned are other options like the Don’t forget with every AMOR I
for you and your loved Aroma Couple Massage, purchase of 50 florins or AMISTAD"
one. On this Valentine’s Valentine’s Body wrap, more, you participate in a
Day Renaissance Aruba Couple Hanakasumi Body raffle to win some fabulous Dedica na mi esposo Rafael, yiunan Shamaira,
is the greatest option to Exfoliation Massage and prizes including a Weekend Emanuel, nieto Zhairon i mi rumannan
celebrate love. Starting in many other facials available. stay, gift certificate of 1,000
the early morning, the staff All Valentine’s promotions florin and many more. ‘Love Victor,Maria Louisa, Louis, Carlos, Gardenia.
of Okeanos Spa welcomes with exception of the ‘Cove is in the Air at Renaissance’.
you to enjoy many options Couple Massage’ are valid On the second floor, Sintiendo e forsa pa expresa
for couple’s massages. till February 29th. For more Aquarius has its Valentine’s sentimento fuerte pa alcansa
Relax with the ‘Cove Couple information or reservation of Brunch starting at 12 noon curason cu ta bati di emoshon
Massage’ on Renaissance the Okeanos Spa specials for only $32,95 per person. pa mustra laso di admirashon
Island, which includes a day for Valentine’s Day, please Children between the age of
pass to this beautiful private call 5236176. 5 and 12 pay half price. For Cu e solo palabra yama Amor
island or maybe you prefer reservation call 5236156. fuente di ternura cu tin balor
the ‘Chocolate Couple After your massage, take e no conoce ni odio o rencor
Massage’, 50 minutes of a stroll and shop at either A night Renaissance Aruba por pidi pordon pa cada eror
pure bliss that includes a Renaissance Mall or No mester di luho pa realisa
has multiple dinner options. cu un Amor nunca ta finalisa
si no crece solido entre dos
L.G. Smith’s Steak & pa tin base firme i nunca los
Por ta amistad tambe pareha
Chop House has a special Amor no tin frontera ni regla
tampoco edad,rasa o religion
3-course menu for two, ta un canal cu ta e bendishon
cu Dios a regala na su yiunan
which includes a Valentine’s i mustra su gran Amor pa nan.
cocktail. A truly Valentine’s Autor: Omaira I.Rodriguez-Britten
setting with music by Live
Expressions for only $109
per couple, excluding
15% service charge. This
Valentine’s menu is available
on the 12th, 13th and 14
of February. Looking for
something extra romantic?
Have your Valentine’s
Dinner on the beach at
Renaissance Ocean
Suites and experience an
exceptional sunset. This
4-course dinner includes a
bottle of Möet & Chandon
and a beautiful rose for the
lady- this for only $169 per
couple. This sunset dinner
promotion is valid only on
the 14th of February. For
reservation please call
5236115. Last but not least,
dinner at Aquarius for only
$44,95 per person.